She waited for me outside the cafeteria, and as we entered, I opted for some oatmeal, followed by some toast, and I took a large mug of coffee. I was already a coffee fiend, and I hadn’t even reached eighteen yet. My birthday had already come and gone. The day had been filled with so much disappointment. My parents hadn’t stuck around or celebrated like Drew would have.

We found a seat that happened to be in the center of the room.

“How was your night?” I asked.

Last night, I already called her up to tell her what happened at the library. Heather thought it was sweet until he threatened me with a potential rape attack. I had no idea what he was thinking.

I picked up my coffee and took a large, appreciative sip before diving into my oatmeal made with some delicious unsweetened almond milk. The school had to accommodate my vegan ways, and of course got a large payout for the trouble. It was one of the few things my mother actually did. My dad argued and told me to stop being a child while my mother arranged for my choices at the school. It helped that I wasn’t the only vegan at the school.

Heather gave a long, hard yawn and shook her head. “It was busy. I was up most of the night studying.”


“I’ve got to be on top of my game.”

“You do realize if your grades slip they won’t kick you out. They’ll give you time to get them back up.”

She shook her head. “I’m not willing to risk it. It’s not worth it. You know how important this is for me.”

“I know. I’m sorry. Hey, why don’t you come over tonight and we can study together?” I wasn’t in Heather’s league when it came to grades, but I hadn’t failed a single class. I did take my education seriously, even if my mom told me I was good to just breeze my way through. Drew had always told me to do what I could, to work hard. The only good things to be accomplished in life were the things you achieved yourself.

That was what I was doing. Working hard.

The plan was to get the grades, graduate, go to college, and then find my own path. I didn’t want to become a doctor or a lawyer, which were the directions my parents demanded of me.

Only Heather knew my passion for writing. It wasn’t original, I knew, but I often found myself at my computer, writing all the weird and wacky thoughts that entered my head. I’d never tell another soul, but I had an addiction to romance novels. Yeah, I knew, totally lame, but come on, it was something I loved to do. What was wrong with wanting to bring a little sparkle back into the world through writing?

Tucking some of my hair behind my ear, I started to eat my oatmeal.

“Uh-oh,” Heather said.

I lifted my head. “What? Are they here?”

“No, but Chloe and her patrol are. They’ve spotted you, and shit, they’re headed right here.”

I groaned. I’d not had it out with Chloe, but I’d heard people whispering she was after me. She had a score she wanted to settle. This wasn’t going to be good.

Anyone who ended up on Chloe’s shit list tended to have an awful life at school. We were into our second day, and I’d managed to piss off the queen bee. Not good.

Chloe, with her arms folded, arrived at our table. The glare on her face made it real clear she wasn’t happy and wasn’t going to leave easily.

“Hello, Chloe,” I said, attempting to inject some cheery happiness into my voice and failing miserably. “What brings you here?”

It was rare for Chloe or her friends to be caught eating. Rumor had it they all had eating disorders, and if they had to eat anything, they’d go and vomit in the toilet or in a trash bin. I found it incredibly sad. I’d never seen it, and I hoped if I did, I would do the right thing to stop them.

“So, this is the slut who thinks she can weasel in on my territory?” she asked.

“That’s a pretty bold statement.”

We had the cafeteria’s undivided attention. The second time in a matter of days. I didn’t like this. I was happy to stick to the background. To not cause waves, and to not be the subject of a great deal of hatred.

Chloe couldn’t stand me, and if I was being truthful, I couldn’t stand her at all. She was a first-class bitch and took great pleasure in hurting others. That kind of nastiness I couldn’t condone. Not now. Not ever.

She slammed her palms on the table, getting into my face. “If you so much as look at my guys again, I’m going to make you wish you’d never been born.”