“This is … just leave me alone. Stop bullying others. I don’t like it.”

With that, the teacher finally arrived, and I was pissed off. For the next twenty minutes, I tried to ignore the four guys who’d made me their number-one priority. I wasn’t happy.

I didn’t care if they were good-looking guys. They were not the men I wanted to be with. I was a virgin. I’d never had a boyfriend. Had no intention of finding one until I had started my path of independence.

My parents wanted me to take the same role as them, lawyers. If I didn’t become a lawyer, then a doctor. Becoming an author was out of the question. Drew always told me to take my own path, and right now, I really needed her advice.

The bell rang, and there was no sign of Heather, which I hated. Biology was the same as Homeroom. All the guys surrounded me, not giving me a moment’s break. Chloe didn’t make an appearance either.

I noticed no one paid me any attention. It might have had something to do with my four-man bodyguard. Either way, I was grateful.

We were having a ten-minute break between lessons, and I’d escaped to the quad, hoping to catch sight of Heather.

No sign of her.

What could the principal have had to say to her?

“Here,” Gideon said, producing a red apple. “You didn’t eat breakfast this morning, and coffee doesn’t keep your strength up.”

My stomach chose that moment to growl. I took the apple and bit into it. The sweet juice spilled into my mouth and I closed my eyes, releasing a moan. It tasted so good.

“You’re stalking me?”

“You should know this is all part of belonging to us.”

“I said no.”

“Doesn’t mean we get to change our minds.”

“I doubt every single girl who was chosen for this selection process wanted it.”

“You’re the first girl to reject it.”

I found that hard to believe, but I stopped arguing with him. The truth was I was getting very tired of everything. I took another bite of the apple, savoring the sweet taste. All the while, I was acutely aware of how close Gideon stood while I looked for my best friend.

“You do realize you’re the envy of this school right now?”

“I hope you and the others realize I don’t care.”

“Do you have any idea what we could do for you?” he asked.

I ate the apple. “I really don’t care.”


“Really.” None of the other guys showed up. “Do you realize this is the longest we’ve ever spoken?”

“We’ve been busy.”

I laughed. “No, you haven’t. I didn’t even register on your radar of needing to be someone you spoke to. You ignored me from the moment I arrived. I meant nothing to you, to any of you. I don’t buy this whole selection process. What gives?”

“Have you ever thought we might have noticed you?”

“I wasn’t born yesterday. I may not be as ingrained as the rest of you in this bullshit school, but I recognize what is going on here and it has nothing to do with attraction or because you noticed me.” I did the last part in air quotes.

Gideon stepped right up close, invading my personal space. I was tempted to take a step back, but I stayed perfectly still, refusing to back down.

He was so much taller than me, and the musky scent of his body invaded my senses. I wondered what he wore. It had to be something woodsy, earthy. I liked the smell a little too much, and this made me step back, only he had banded an arm around me and pulled me up close toward him.

I had no choice but to put my hand on his chest as he held me, otherwise, I would’ve collapsed against him.

My body was stiff within his grasp. “What are you doing?”

“Wondering if your pussy is soaking wet right now.”

Did he think that was all it was going to take?

Throwing my head back, I laughed. I just couldn’t help it. From his glare, he didn’t expect this kind of reaction. He still hadn’t let me go, and whatever he thought was happening here, I wasn’t exactly sure what he wanted to get out of it. “You’re kidding, right? You think holding me a little roughly and drawing me close will suddenly make me magically attracted to you? Sorry, Gideon, I’m not wired that way.” I pushed on his chest a little too roughly, but he didn’t let me go.

I gritted my teeth as I stared at him.

People looked at us. Being the center of attention made me uncomfortable.

“You do realize we’re going easy on you right now.”

“I don’t care what you think you’re doing for me, Gideon. Accept my answer and move on. I’m not caving to any of you. I have no desire for you.” My hands clenched into fists as they rested on his chest.