William stood. “What the fuck?”

“We’re not getting anywhere with this. You all know that. Sian wants nothing to do with us. Even the fucking video we leaked of Chloe didn’t make her happy.” We’d already pulled the video of Chloe.

We released it and we knew the guy who could wipe all trace of it ever existing. It was what we did for the one of Sian.

“Do you think getting her parents involved is going to help?” William asked. “We said we were going to do this our way. Not their way.”

“You all know what’s at stake right now.”

“The parents are too far,” Dante said. “You needed to consult with us.”

“If it gets us what we want, does it matter?”

“Do you really think Sian’s going to be happy with us bringing in her parents? She’s going to be pissed. This wasn’t cool, and it wasn’t part of the plan,” Mateo said. He ran his fingers through his hair. “Fuck!”

“We had to do what we had to do,” I said, shrugging.

I wasn’t going to be upset about playing this card. We needed all the help we could get.

Chapter Six


I didn’t like that Gideon brought in the parents. We all agreed the moment we made this selection, we’d be the ones to figure it out.

The following day, I didn’t wait for the guys to head to the cafeteria. I was starving. I hadn’t slept well last night. I was guessing it was down to the decisions Gideon had finally taken with regards to Sian.

Heather’s words kept rolling around in my head. We didn’t know what made Sian tick, and the truth was, I doubted we ever would. That kind of knowledge on a person took time.

For me, it had taken me eighteen years to get to know Gideon, Dante, and William, and there were times I wasn’t even sure I knew them.

I entered the cafeteria and saw Sian was already there. She had a book open beside her tray and was eating what looked like oatmeal.

Healthy eating wasn’t my thing. I opted for a nice stack of waffles, scrambled eggs, bacon, and maple syrup. The cashier scanned my card, and I made my way over to Sian’s table.

She looked up, spoon in her mouth, and sighed.

“Good morning,” I said.

“Morning.” She went back to her book.

“What are you eating?”


“Is that some kind of vegan shit you’re on?”

She sighed. “You know my food label. Great.”

“How can you not eat meat?”

“I see we’re going to be having that conversation. How original.” She closed the book and ate another spoonful of oatmeal. I expected her to shiver or something. It looked like bad vomit. “I just don’t want to eat meat.”

“Why not?”

“My reasons are my own.”

I hold up a piece of bacon. “And this doesn’t tempt you in the slightest?”

“No, it stinks and not in a good way. Do we have to talk about this?”

“I’m just curious?”

“Why? I’m not a skinny vegan?”

“No, just the whole veggie eating thing.”

She rolled her eyes. “Try not to think too hard and just accept it.”

“And you like food?”

“I love it.” She took another scoop of oatmeal. “Why are you on your own?”

“You think I can’t do anything on my own?”

“No, answer them truthfully.”

“Why did you pick me for this?” she asked.

“Answer my question, and I will answer yours.”

She stared at me and I looked right back at her. The waffles were good, and I didn’t avert my gaze as I ate.

Sian was the first to look away. “I … I knew someone. They were important to me. My hair brings back those memories, and taking it off, well, I feel I’ll lose those memories.”