“Not if that file was removed and destroyed. I’d put it down to an organization covering its back.” Fred slammed the book closed. “You warned me this shit was deep, but I’ve got to ask, how fucking deep?”

I ran a hand down my face. “Fred, I need you to make sure that everything you find, you get rid of. If anyone even suspects you’re involved…” I couldn’t bring myself to say it.

“Got it,” Fred said.

“This is serious.”

“Dude, I get it. The fact you trust me with this means a lot. I’m going to keep doing what I can.”

“Do you have anything on Drew?” I asked.

“She is proving to be difficult to find. Like I said, between Sian being born and coming here, that part of her life is a complete mystery. I don’t know where she went to school. What she did.”

“She went to a public school,” I said.

“But where?”

“Doesn’t it tell you that in her file?” I asked.

“It’s another mystery.” He went back to the computer, typing away and bringing up Sian’s file. “Previous schools are a blank. Her history, other than her grades, doesn’t exist.”

“Okay. I’ll see what I can find out. Make sure no one knows about this, and I only want you to talk to me.”

“You don’t trust your other Saintly Devils?”

“I think less people knowing about your involvement is good for your own safety.”



After Mateo left, I decided to head to Homeroom, splitting away from the guys as they finished up their lunch.

Living with Sian was supposed to be fun, but this weekend had been tense. I didn’t like tense. If I wanted to live that way, I’d go back home. There was a lot of tension waiting for me back there. I wasn’t interested in it.

Heather and Sian were whispering.

I saw Heather stroke Sian’s shoulder, and I was getting tired of this girl getting close to ours. She wanted to fuck her, that was clear. Well, she was going to have to get in line. Not that I minded a bit of girl-on-girl action. Now that had possibilities.

I stared at the two girls, their heads close together, and what surprised me was I didn’t fucking want that.

Sian wasn’t Heather’s.

She was ours.

I took the seat at the desk in front of them, spinning the chair around to look. “What are we talking about?”

“Sian was telling me how clean you guys are,” Heather said.

I gave Heather a look, and she glanced between me and Sian.

“I … er … I need to use the bathroom.”

“Do you want me to come?” Sian asked.

“No. No. It’s fine. You stay here. Keep my space.” Heather got to her feet and left.

Alone at least.

“What did you do?” Sian asked.

“Nothing. I was sitting right here.”

“I don’t have any diseases.”

“I’m sorry.”

“You’ve got to learn to trust us,” I said.

“Do you think it’s that easy?” she asked. “I don’t know you guys, and because you picked me you think I, what? Should be so happy?”

It was on the tip of my tongue to tell her others would have been, but Sian didn’t work that way and to be honest, I was tired of repeating myself.