Again, this was just hearsay. I didn’t believe in it.

Four guys. One girl. It didn’t make any sense.

I nearly jumped out of my skin when someone sat down next to me, and when I turned to see who it was, I was tempted to move.

Gideon sat next to me. Why?

To make matters worse, Dante and Mateo took the seat behind me, with William leaning up against the window.

All four guys totally surrounding me.

“Mr. Martin, please take a seat.”

“I have a note. I like to stand to learn, Mr. Brick,” he said, handing a folded piece of paper to the teacher.

I prayed it was a bogus note, but one look at the teach, and I could tell it was real.

“Fine. Hand out these books please.”

“Gladly.” William placed a book very gently down in front of me.

“Thanks,” I said. I wasn’t rude. I wanted to tell him to go to hell, but instead, I opened the book, wrote the date, closed the book, and wrote my name. There. My new math’s hell book for the next year. What fun. This was the topic I hated so much. I couldn’t stand it.

I ignored the guys even though I was sure their gazes were on me.

Why were they sitting around me?

Was this some kind of test to see how far they could push me?

Tapping my pencil on the desk, I kept my gaze up front. Time ticked by, and I breathed a sigh of relief the moment Mr. Brick started talking.

Normally, I found myself immersed in class, taking in all the knowledge, but today, the Saintly Devils distracted me, and I hated it.

Today’s lesson wasn’t about algebra, fractions, or equations. There was a detailed plan of the year, preparing for the necessary work to accompany our exams. I made notes and would have to go over everything later.

I didn’t like their constant attention. Nerves hit me hard.

When the bell finally rang, I quickly grabbed my bag and prepared to make my escape, but they crowded in.

People left.

Some tried to linger, but the guys gave everyone a look. Even Mr. Brick left the room, and within a matter of seconds, I was alone with four guys I couldn’t stand.

“What’s going on?” I asked.

“I wanted to let you know how pretty you look today,” Gideon said.

“Right, okay, thanks. Please move. I’ve got to get to class.”

He took a step toward me, and I immediately step back only to come into contact with William. I immediately moved so my ass was pressed against the desk, and I could see all four of them.

“Look, I don’t know what the hell is going on, but I don’t find this funny. Please, leave me alone,” I said.

“You know, every other girl would be creaming their pants to have all of us showing them attention,” Dante said.

“Then go and find that other girl.”

“Tell me what has been going on this morning,” Heather said.

“It’s nothing.”

“Would it have anything to do with the fact the four guys I cannot talk about decided to completely swarm you?” Heather asked.

“How do you do it?”

“I’m a loser to everyone here. No one cares what I hear. They talk loud, and I’ve got really good hearing. It’s how I know everything.”