“You can tell me to stop,” she said.

“I don’t know if I should kiss you.”

“It’s just a kiss. Nothing more.” She came in closer.

I didn’t stop her. Her breath fanned across my face and I bit my lip.

The next second, her lips were on mine. At first, I was a little shocked at the fact my best friend had kissed me, but she didn’t pull away. Her lips were soft as they pressed against mine.

I closed my eyes, feeling my body’s reaction instead of worrying it was my best friend I kissed. Heather’s hand moved from my cheek, sinking into my hair. During last period, I’d let the length down as the band had started to hurt.

She traced her tongue across my full lip, and I gasped. This gave her the perfect access to plunge her tongue within my mouth.

Her grip on my neck tightened. The bruises my dad had given me stung, but I enjoyed the kissing a little more than I expected. I cupped her cheek as she continued to kiss me.

We heard some scuffling in the stacks and we both pulled apart. My lips were slightly swollen.

“How was that?” Heather asked.

“It was a … good kiss.”

We smiled together.

“I’m glad I’ve been able to help.”

She stroked my cheek, and I turned my head toward her, pressing a kiss to her inner wrist.

“I think we better study,” Heather said.

Always the perfect student.

We pulled our books out and got to work, going through the necessary projects. Heather was the first to move, going to gather books while I worked through my latest assignments.

My lips still tingled, and I wanted to ask more questions, but I held back, not wanting to break the silence.

The final roundup call at around eight at night let us know we had to leave. We left the library, and I saw Gideon waiting for me.

Heather said her goodbyes and immediately left. I turned to Gideon, who like always, looked as if someone had pissed him off.

“Good night?” I asked.

“You can study at the dorm from now on.”

“You don’t have all the books,” I said.

“Do not argue with me, Sian.”

I tensed up. He was in a bitter mood.

“What have I done to piss you off?” I asked, staying perfectly still.

“I’m tired. It’s cold and wet. Can we just get home?”

“You mean to your dorm?”

“Think again, princess. You’ve got four bosses. Me, Mateo, Dante, and William. You bow down to all of us.”

“Yeah, right. In your dreams. I suppose I have to sleep with all of you as well.”

“No sleeping will be happening. Get this through your thick fucking skull, Sian, you are ours to do what we want. To fuck, to play with, you will submit to us because if you don’t, there are consequences your tiny head cannot even imagine.”

His words were thrown at me in an angry growl, and I stumbled back as if I’d been hit.

Heather had advised I find out exactly what the selection process entailed, but I had a feeling from the shocked looks on all their faces, including Gideon’s, that he wasn’t supposed to tell me that detail.