She snorted. “That’s not a clue, and you know it.”

“It is a clue, just not a very good one.” I glanced at her and winked. “Are you going to tell me what you did to Gideon?”

“Why would I do that?”

“So we can all use the trick.”

She tapped her nose. “Some secrets are meant to stay hidden.”

“Well, whatever you did, thank you.”


“Gideon’s been under a lot of stress.”

“Haven’t we all?”

“Yeah, we all have. Don’t get me wrong, his stress level is no different from all of us, but it’s not the same. I’m sure one day he’ll tell you all about it.”

“I’m guessing it’s what his parents or his dad wants him to do,” she said.

“He’s told you?”

“Only about his future to take over his father’s empire. Nothing else. I got the sense…” she stopped.


“It’s fine. I don’t want to talk about Gideon. It’s not right when he’s not here.”

“Sian, he’s going to love that on my date we talked about him.”

“It’s not like that.”

“I won’t tell,” I said.

“It doesn’t feel right.”

I wanted to pry, to find out more.

“Okay, fine. If you don’t want to share, I will respect that.”

She glanced over at me and nodded. “Thank you. I won’t talk to anyone about our date either.”

“You can totally brag if you want to,” I said.

Before we got to the city, I made the turn off to the right, heading down a small, tight road. There were a couple of signs for the town, but the lights were dim. I only knew where we were as this was the one place I came to get away.

Another right and then a left, I came to a stop at an abandoned-looking building, only it was very much lived in.

“Do you think it’s safe to get out?” Sian asked as I put the car into park.

I laughed. “Nothing is going to come out and bite you.” I winked at her. “Unless you want me to come out and chase you.”

“I thought William was the playful one.”

“He is. He’s a real joker.” I climbed out of the car, rounding to her side to help her out. She took my hand and once again, I got that tingle the moment she touched me. I liked feeling her close to me.

“Where are we?”

Still holding her hand, I closed the doors, pressing the lock on. I walked her to the doors, typed in the code, and they opened for me.


I went to the sofa and pulled it into the center of the room. Wanting the added privacy, I closed the curtains in case anyone came by, then I turned on the lamps, illuminating the space.

“You’re my inspiration, Sian. I would like the opportunity to draw you, if that is okay with you.”

“No one has ever wanted to draw me.” Her hand went to her chest, and I was drawn to her tits. They were nice and large, and I wanted to draw her naked.

“Naked,” I said.