Sian was ours. She would see that even though we didn’t originally pick her, we all wanted her.

“Am I doing this right?” she asked. “I don’t know what I’m doing.”

“Baby, you’re doing everything right, and I’ve got no problem with it. Keep on touching me. I don’t mind a little pain.”

The fact I hadn’t come straight away was a miracle.

“Do you like me touching your pussy?” I asked.

“Yes.” She gave this little gasp and ground against my hand.

“I want you to come for me, Sian. Let me see you orgasm.”

She frowned, rocking back and forth. Her tits were still confined against the shirt, and it pissed me off, but I didn’t say anything, just enjoying what I did actually have.

She was beautiful, and I was a fucking fool to have not noticed her before now. Sian rode my hand, and I couldn’t look away, nor did I want to. She was a sight of beauty. Pure, fucking perfection, and she was all ours. Each revelation made me feel on cloud nine.

The instant she came apart, I found my own release, my cum spilling out of the tip onto the pants.

She collapsed against me, panting. The scent of her pussy was heavy in the air, and all I could think about was it being the best fucking date ever.



None of the guys were kissing and telling, so a date was made a little more difficult. I didn’t know what to do without anything to compare it to. Don’t get me wrong, I knew what they had all done. Gideon had taken the fancy dinner route. Dante went and showed off his amazing talents, which left Mateo, a movie night. They all sounded boring to me.

None of us ever had to show off to a girl. I mean ever. We all did our own thing and girls fell into our laps. It was why we created our little book of scoring. Deep down, I knew it was wrong. Kind of cruel in fact, but when chicks were throwing themselves at us, left, right, and center, well, we had to do something to keep it interesting.

With Sian, that idea was just crass.

She’d hate each of us, if not be repulsed by us if she ever found out. Damn, I hoped Gideon kept a lid on his temper. He had a way of messing things up, and right now, I didn’t want anything to come between me or Sian, or getting this part of the initiation process done with The Society.

So much rode on Halloween night, which was fast approaching.

Sian sat next to me as I drove us both out toward our date destination. All day I’d been driven insane on what to do. Then, out of the corner of my eye, during gym, I happened to notice Sian stood with Heather as someone played some tunes. Her hips swayed ever so subtly in time to the beat of the music.

Just watching her had turned me on.

Instant thought. Dancing.

None of the guys had taken her out dancing, and I happened to know a nice bar, not too far from the campus. The owner, Billy, was a decent guy. So long as I agreed not to cause any trouble for him or his bar, I could go whenever I wanted. Alcohol wasn’t on the menu, but I loved the greasy food, and the music.

“Did you enjoy classes today?” I asked.

Sian chuckled. “You know you’re all bad at small talk.”

“I don’t believe you.”

“Yep, you are. I feel sorry for the girls before me who thought you were a catch.” She shook her head. “It’s kind of hilarious now to think about.”

“Please, we’re a good catch.”

“It’s a surprise.”

“Really? Don’t forget we’ve still got classes in the morning.”

“Yeah, I haven’t forgotten.”

“Did Mateo tell you about us going back to his folks’ place tomorrow night?” Sian asked.

He’d already gotten us up to speed on the small vacation. Personally, I didn’t want to go. Snooping around our folks’ shit wasn’t a good way to spend the weekend. We were only supposed to know what we were supposed to. I knew if I allowed myself to really think of how deep The Society went, I’d shit a brick. In fact, I probably wouldn’t leave the house because I was taking a shit all the time. I didn’t need that kind of an issue in my life.