Page 8 of The Boss's Prize

Giacomo had made sure I was untouched at twenty-two, and last night had been the hottest encounter of my life. The power dynamic was all wrong, and I was here under duress, wasn’t I? It shouldn’t be hot, but it was. Because, at the heart of it, it wasn’t anger in Antonio’s eyes when he glared at me. It was need, desire, and a burning want I was only familiar with because I’d struggled with it myself every day since we’d met.

I’d lost count of the nights I’d lain awake back in Chicago, fantasizing that I’d knocked Antonio out after letting him press me up against the wall and fuck me hard. He’d become the face of desire in my head. The memory that always got me off.

The reality was even sexier than the memory because the reality burned with unpredictable anger. Even hotter were the complicated feelings I had toward him. Was he my punisher or my savior?

I could have let you be killed. Every breath you take is because of me.

Those words swirled around my head, taunting me. They were true. I knew them to be so as soon as he said them. Now, I had no idea where we stood. Did he want my gratitude or my suffering? Did he even know? What did I want from him? His punishment or his desire?

My half-brother knew how dangerous it would be for me to see Antonio again, yet he’d pushed me to him. He couldn’t have made it any clearer that he didn’t care if I lived or died. Maybe he was hoping I’d piss Antonio off so much that he’d end me, and then Giacomo would have an excuse to come against the Lucianos, something he had talked about for years. Giacomo dreamed of making it big and conquering New York—a futile dream. The Lucianos weren’t the only family that ruled the lucrative city, and with Vincenzo Luciano marrying the Song heiress, well, those two families united would be impossible to crack.

Giacomo was an idiot, which wasn’t news, but he was risking more than himself. He was risking my life and that of loyal De Luca men. I didn’t like that. I didn’t like it one bit.

A sharp knock at the door sent me sitting up. The cover fell, revealing my bare chest. I cursed my lack of clothing for the tenth time and grabbed the sheet just as the door swung open.

“You’re up,” Antonio said, strolling into the room, looking perfectly unruffled. He was devastatingly handsome in the early morning light.

“Funnily enough, with the knocking and all. Also, I don’t sleep well in the house of my enemy,” I snapped.

He grinned at me, his eyes roving over my bedhead hair and scrubbed, makeup-free face. I hated to sleep in make-up and had used hand soap to wash my face last night. I was sure I looked far from picture perfect. I fought the urge to duck my head from his curious scrutiny.

“I wouldn’t say that. You were sleeping very soundly when I checked on you last night,” he said.

My belly clenched at the thought of him watching me in the dark.“Creep,” I muttered, hugging my knees to my chest under the sheet.

He watched me a moment longer and then shrugged, uncaring. “I’m sending some clothes over later. Be ready at eight. I have a dinner to attend, and you’re coming with me.”

“A date? There are rent-a-date services if you’re hard up. Or have you considered online dating? There are some good apps out there nowadays,” I snapped, even as my heart pounded in my chest. Where was he taking me?

He smirked, but there was little humor here. “Oh, sweet, viperous Chiara. You ought to be careful with that smart-mouth, or I’ll teach you how to use it properly.”

“Like you did last night?’ The challenge was out my lips before I could stop it.

Antonio regarded me like I was something he’d never encountered before. “If I didn’t know better, Chiara De Luca, I’d think you were disappointed I didn’t fuck your mouth last night.”

His filthy words made me flush.

“If that’s the case, tesora, let me know. I won’t deny you if that’s what you want.”

“You’re a pig,” I muttered, averting my eyes. I was so hot with embarrassment that I could whoosh up in flames any second.

“Maybe so, but I think you want me, nonetheless. Time will tell,” he said with an air of finality before heading toward the door.

“Time? You only have till Friday, then this madness is over,” I called to him, more to reassure myself than anything else.

His dark chuckle floated back to me. “Do I? We’ll see.”



I’d had my assistant send over the dress I’d picked out for Chiara and arrived at the restaurant that night already hard at the thought of her in it. Since that night two months ago, I’d thought of nothing but getting my hands on her. Now she was here, I was in danger of blood loss to my brain. I’d been hard and unsatisfied for so long.

I could have gone out and fucked someone else, someone with golden skin and inky black hair, and pretended it was her. The idea had barely crossed my mind before I dismissed it. It wouldn’t work. It wasn’t just about her stunning body. It was more. It was her. Her attitude and smile, her spunk and defiance. I wanted all that perfect, angry fire in my hands or nothing.

“Is she ready?”

Luca, one of my most trusted bodyguards, stood outside the restaurant I’d chosen for dinner. I’d meant to arrive before her, but something came up. As I strolled into the carefully chosen venue and felt the laser-like stare of her annoyance land on me, any little bit of regret I felt for making her wait dissipated. Chiara De Luca had forgotten why she was here. Tricking me, drugging me, and swindling me should come with a hefty price, and it was time to remind her of that.