Page 102 of Simon Says… Scream

“Different territories, even different provinces, over a multitude of years.”

He shook his head. “And what was the draw for our killer to come back here? Why Vancouver, BC, again, if he killed in multiple provinces?”

“I don’t know,” she admitted. “I really don’t know.”

“Do you have anything to go on?”

She nodded. “I do.” She hesitated and then explained a little bit about it.

“Jesus, so the killings are happening at the same time frame that this kid is out and about in the same province and technically could have been available.”

“And yet technically, not really,” she added, “because he should have been supervised.”

He laughed. “Anybody with any decent stealth ability will slip through that noose pretty quickly.”

She looked at him. “But then it should be recorded in this file.”

“The only people who will record it in a file are people who won’t get in trouble. And what happens when they lose a prisoner for a day or for a few hours?”

“Well, they would get fired probably,” she noted, “depending on what the prisoner did while he was out.”

“Right,” Simon agreed. “What do you think this guy is doing while he’s out?”

She winced. “We don’t know. That’s the problem.”

“And how long would he need to do the damage that was done?”

“Not long,” she murmured. “The problem is, I’ve sent the evidence on these other seemingly related cases we found to our coroner to see what he’s got to say about these cases, and we’re still waiting on DNA results from one of the crime scenes.”

“That’s important,” Simon stated, “and it takes time. And you’re impatient.”

“We have a woman who could be dying,” she reminded Simon.

“I know,” he acknowledged. “That’s something that weighs on my mind constantly.”

“But she’s still alive?”

He shrugged. “I’m still getting visions, so I’m hoping so.”

“Any chance your visions are old?”

“Yes,” he admitted.

She looked at him, startled.

He frowned. “I haven’t told you anything other than the truth. And I really don’t know what to say about this case.”

“I get it,” she replied. “At the same time, it’s frustrating.”

“You and me both,” he agreed. “Look where we’re at.”

She wandered around deserted floors. “It would only be these couple floors that would have the same view that you’re talking about.”

“And, of course, one big thing is missing,” he muttered.

“What’s that?” she asked turning to look at him.
