Page 118 of Simon Says… Scream

“For any letters that he has from jail. For anybody who may have followed him from one place to the next, and, outside of his parents, any other family members who knew what Rick did or what he confessed to, who he had talked to about it, and who may have seen him in any of the other provinces.”

“Right.” Colby nodded. “Take Rodney with you.”

She looked at him in surprise. “I don’t need anybody with me.”

“Take Rodney with you,” he repeated. “That’s an order.”

She frowned and looked over at Rodney. “Sorry.”

He shrugged. “It’s all good.”

They headed outside. “Figured I’d drive,” she stated.

“You’re not too tired?” he teased.

“No, I got enough caffeine flowing through me now,” she mentioned. “I should be good for another couple days.”

He snorted. “I sure as hell hope not. I don’t want to be running for that long.”

It took them longer to get to the house than expected.

By the time she pulled up to the front curb, Rick was pacing the sidewalk outside and threw up his hands when he saw her. She hopped out, checked to make sure there was no traffic around and that parking where she did was okay, then she walked around to lean against the car. “Hey.”

“Why the hell are you still bugging me?” Rick asked her.

“Because we have another body.”

He stopped and stared at her. “Jesus.”

She nodded. “So”—she pulled out her notepad—“what I need from you is any letters, any emails, anything along that line that you got from fans or enemies the whole time you were in jail. Hate mail, love mail, whatever, from anybody who might have followed you around to all those provinces.”

He shook his head.

“Are you saying there wasn’t any?”

He nodded. “Yes, sure there were a few love letters and plenty of hate mail.”

“You never told us about the hate mail before.”

“I didn’t even keep it. It came through the prison email system. And I just hit Delete. Nobody wants that shit.”

“Anybody contact you more than once?”

“Yeah, a couple people,” he replied. “There was one very persistent female. She was pretty angry and upset.”


He shrugged. “What do I know? She seemed to think I was the worst of the worst.”

“Anybody else?”

“No, I corresponded with a couple young ladies because they were cute, and it was nice to have something to keep me in good spirits, but it’s not like it carried on for very long. It was just fun at the time. More toward the end of my time, when emails were easier.”

“Right,” she noted. “So, if I understand this, people can contact you via a website?”

He nodded. “And honestly, as much as I’m sure you guys hate it, it does give us a little bit of sanity while we’re inside.”

“So you don’t have any idea of who else might have done these murders?”