Page 122 of Simon Says… Scream

He unwrapped it to see bacon and cheese.

She shrugged. “Well, that’s pretty boring.”

“No,” he argued, “it’s not boring. It’s conventional.”

“Says the man who likes smoked salmon and caviar.”

He shook his head. “Absolutely no way you will convince me that what you’re eating right now is on the same level as smoked salmon and caviar.”

She batted her eyes at him. “You have to be adventurous, you know? If you expect me to try your two items, then you should try this.” She handed over her burger.

He shook his head, pushed back the burger, and said, “No way in hell.”

She glared and then chuckled. “That’s good because I’m really not into sharing.” Then she took a huge bite.

He watched in amazement as the burger went down faster than he could have imagined. “Have you eaten at all today?”

She shook her head. “I don’t remember,” she replied, “so I’ll say no. My stomach has been screaming at me all day.” She rummaged in the bag, looking for more food and immediately pulled out fries and stuck four in her mouth right off the bat. She looked over at him. “You would share the fries, right?”

“You can have it all,” he noted, “if you’re that hungry.”

“I’d never eat it all,” she replied.

“Well then, slow down and pace yourself,” he suggested.

She shook her head. “Nope, I’ll need fuel soon.”

“And why is that?”

“Either you’ll do a lot of driving or I’ll do a lot of running.”

He instantly took in her feet.Sneakers. “I didn’t come dressed for running,” he noted. “I mean, obviously I can do a mile or two,” he said, as he looked down at his leather loafers.

She snorted. “You don’t worry about that. I’ll go after him. You’ll have to stay and keep watch on the house, if it comes to that.”

At that, he stopped and looked at her. “What are you expecting?”

“Not expecting anything,” she said cheerfully. “Yet I’m open to seeing just what occurs.”

“And if nothing happens?”

“Then it’ll be a damn long tiring night,” she stated, “and I’ll be frustrated and pissed off come morning.”

“But somehow I don’t think you’ll be that way, will you?”

“I sure as hell hope not,” she agreed, “because that poor woman in your visions doesn’t have much longer.” Immediately his appetite fled. He slowly lowered his hand with the burger; she watched him and whispered, “I’m sorry. You need to eat.”

“No,” he argued. “Here. You have it.”

“You eat it, just in case we need your energy.”

“Well, unlike you,” he replied, “I had breakfast and lunch, and I think a bagel was in there somewhere as well.”

“A bagel?” She stared at him in outrage. “Where the hell are you finding fresh bagels?”

“Did I say it was fresh?”

“It’s you,” she noted, rolling her eyes. “You don’t buy anything but the good stuff.”