Page 135 of Simon Says… Scream

“I rather imagine it’ll make him feel pretty shitty, but, at the same time, knowing the truth now should also bring him some relief because I doubt he’s had very many nights of sleep since it happened.”

“No, that unknown stuff just eats away at you, doesn’t it?” he asked.

“Yeah, it does. Now he’ll know for sure, and he’ll have to live with it. But, like I said, he’s already been tried, convicted, and served a sentence. Now he and his mother can begin to heal.”

“Jesus, the mother. What a blow for her.”

“It’s looking like, in many ways, the stepfather was abusive the whole time. The only peace the mother ever got was when he started being medicated for his psychosis or whatever the hell that was, though I think it was largely made up on his part. Anyway, she thought she was getting those drugs into him. However, he has had his nights to play for all these years, while she’s taking her drugs to help her sleep. During the daytime then, he’s pretty groggy from not sleeping, so he’s happy to keep functioning at a minimal level.”

“And, of course, now she’s all affectionate and loving because he can’t beat the crap out of her.”

“For the most part,” she said. “He went to Alberta and put her in the hospital there, so that he could have some freedom to do what he needed to do with his next two victims, which, of course, would just turn the light on his stepson. He always wanted to keep Rick as an easy suspect, instead of anybody else. Yet, at the same time, he couldn’t resist a new hunting ground.”

“Asshole,” Rodney said.

“Yeah, but now he’s a caught asshole, so it’s a whole different story.”

Forensics arrived just then, and she smiled. “You know something? Smidge will actually be happy with me for a change.”

“You think? We’ve still got bodies in the morgue.”

“Yeah, but we didn’t bring him a new one,” she noted. “This time we kept one alive.”

“Thank God for that,” he muttered.

“I know.” She sighed. “We sure have a bunch of work to do here.”

“I can handle this,” Rodney stated. “You’ve done the bulk of it. You need to get your ass home and rest.”

“No,” she argued quietly. “I’m here to finish it. I’ll rest tomorrow. Now that I know everybody is safe and sound, I’ll rest then,” she said, with a big smile. And, with that, they turned and got to work.

This concludes Book4 of Kate Morgan: Simon Says… Scream.

Read about Kate Morgan: Simon Says… Run, Book5

Simon Says… Run: Kate Morgan (Book#5)

Introducing a new thriller series that keeps you guessing and on your toes through every twist and unexpected turn….

USA Today Best-SellingAuthor Dale Mayer does it again in this mind-blowing thriller series.

The unlikely team of Detective Kate Morgan and Simon St. Laurant, an unwilling psychic, marries all the unpredictable and passionate elements of Mayer’s work that readers have come to love and crave.

Some cases are clear-cut and make sense, and then there’s this one. Two women, avid joggers, out for a hard Stanley Park Fun Run. Both dead. Both at the same time. Both on the popular park trail. It’s rough when trail running and up hills, but the killer had a unique method for taking out his victims—one that doesn’t leave any forensic evidence. Detective Kate Morgan focuses on the victims,… until two more are killed.

Awakening in the night with horrible nightmares, Simon curses his life and hates having ever traveled down this strange pathway, particularly when the visions come out of nowhere. In this case a much more personal element terrifies him.

As Kate gets closer to finding out the truth, she’s also on the same path to becoming the next victim.

Several Days Later, Saturday

She woke upearly in the morning, still at Simon’s. She rolled over and tried to sneak out from the covers. Almost instantly his arm came around her and pulled her onto her belly. Large warm hands slid down over her back to her softly rounded cheeks, only to slide on either side of her hips and onto her thighs, pulling them wide.

A moan escaped, riding on a sigh of joy, as his devious fingers brushed up against her tender flesh, after a long night of sexual satisfaction.

A hot whisper rolled down her cheek. “Okay?” And he shifted his fingers again. She cried out, her hips rising higher, as his devilish fingers continued to tease her.

“Yes, damn it,” she cried out in a strangled voice, as she shifted closer to him.