“I don’t know. I asked Smidge to take a look at the files.”

“Good, maybe he’ll have some insight into this mess.” And, with that, Colby turned and walked out.

She looked over at Rodney. “That didn’t go too badly.”

He stared at her. “You’re still alive, so that’s good.”

She nodded. “I know. He’s not too happy with this scenario.”

“None of us are,” Rodney noted. “Just, well, it’s rougher on some of us than others.”

“He didn’t work any of these cases, did he?” She had looked for the officers involved in the original case that sent the kid to juvie, then prison, but thankfully it wasn’t the sergeant. She didn’t recognize any of the other names either.

Before Rodney could answer her, Kate’s phone rang, and, when she pulled it out, she saw the call was from Simon. Wondering if she should answer the call, she got up, then walked a little farther away, ignoring the smirk on Rodney’s face. “What’s up?”

“Can you give me the addresses that you didn’t hit yesterday?” he asked in a tight voice.

“Listen. I can’t have you going in and causing any trouble.”

He snorted. “Let’s just say I had another vision,” he replied. “I think I might recognize the location if I could see it.”

“I’ll give you the addresses, but you can’t go in,” she stated. “Promise me.” There was a hesitation, so she pressed him. “I won’t give them to you then.”

“If you want me to find this woman, I have to get in there,” he replied.

“Fine, but again you have to promise that, as soon as you see the building that you think is the right one, you have to call me.”

“Fine,” he snapped.

“I’ll text them to you.” She raced back to her desk and sat down, then pulled out her list and copied the ones that were yet to be done. She quickly sent Simon those. When she sat back after hitting Send, she frowned, thinking about the wisdom of it. She should probably have gone with him. She looked at her watch, looked down at her phone.

Rodney asked, “What’s the matter?”

“It’s Simon. He’s had another vision, and he wants to see the possible addresses that I didn’t get to yesterday.”

“Interesting that he thinks he’ll recognize it. So, what’s bothering you?”

“Well, for one thing, I can’t have him going in and causing chaos, if he thinks he’s found it. I’m just wondering if I should go with him.”

“You have to trust your instincts,” Rodney noted. “If you think you should go, then get going.”


When Simon answeredhis phone, he was already in his car, heading to the first one on the list.

“Come pick me up,” she ordered.

He snorted. “Don’t you mean,Hi, Simon. How you doing? How about we go together?”

“No, it’s more like, I need to see these churches and the nearby buildings too. How about picking me up?”

“Well, that’s a little bit better. Less of an order, more of a request,” he explained, having already turned the corner, heading toward the station. “Did you eat breakfast?” he asked. He heard silence at the other end. “Then we’re picking up food on the way.”

“I don’t have a problem with that,” she admitted, “but I need to hunt down these places too.”

“You don’t have to explain anything to me,” he noted. “I’m on the way.”

“How far away are you?”