Page 18 of Simon Says… Run

“Thinking about what?” she asked, cautiously looking at him, while trying to hide the horror in her gaze. “Please don’t tell me that you can read my mind now. I don’t know if I could take it.”

“I don’t have to be a mind reader to read your mind,” he declared in disgust. “You’re trying to figure out how to save me from myself.”

And since his response was just close enough to the truth, she flushed.

“See? No mind-reading involved. You’re sitting there, muttering about what a bad deal this is for me.”

“Well, it is,” she cried out.

“Don’t go there,” he snapped.

Staying quiet, she headed for her destination, her mind buzzing about what he said. And with what they weren’t saying.

Finally she gave up delving into their relationship, pulled into the parking lot, then looked over at him and said, “I just want to take another look around at the crime scene, before I talk to the husband.”

He nodded. “That makes some sense to me. I’d like to see the scene of the crime for myself anyway.”

“You do have a morbid curiosity, don’t you?”

“No,” he replied, “but I do get an intimate look from you, and it helps to put pictures and places together.” Especially in his head.

“You also seem to understand the criminal mind,” she noted, tossing him a look.

He smiled but didn’t say anything. She frowned, but he shrugged. “Hey, we’ve all done things in our past, whether we acknowledge them or not,” he shared, “and anybody with a childhood as rough as mine certainly had occasions when it was best if the police didn’t take a closer look.”

She opened her mouth and then thought better of it.

He nodded. “Good choice,” he muttered, when she didn’t ask. She just glared at him. “Come on.” He walked over, hooking his arm through hers. “Let’s go take a look at your crime scene.”

“I actually wanted to take a look at the light at this hour,” she noted.

“But the women were killed early in the morning, weren’t they?”

“Yes, and I guess what I want to know is why.”

But it became readily apparent as they headed out.

“A lot of people are here,” he murmured quietly. “It’s really popular, isn’t it?”

She frowned at that. “I guess the early morning timing does make more sense. I thought it would be busy this time of day, but I didn’t think it would be this busy.”

“Yet you were here yesterday evening or at least late afternoon, weren’t you?”

“Yes, but you know how news gets out, and, instead of staying away, a lot of people come. So I was trying to figure out if that’s what I saw yesterday toward the evening.”

“Looks like it’s just a popular place, and maybe it’s too bad we didn’t bring our running gear after all,” he added. “We could have gone for a nice run.”

“Maybe tomorrow,” she replied, looking over at him.

He nodded. “I think that would be a great idea.”

“I don’t think we’ve ever done a run together, have we?” she asked thoughtfully, as she studied the area around her.

“Nope, not that I remember,” he replied. “We haven’t done any martial arts training or physical exercise together at all.”

“Well, except for the one,” she stated, with a smirk.

His lips twitched. “Except for the one. And, since we’re so well matched there, I can’t imagine that we would have a problem anywhere else.”