Page 42 of Simon Says… Run

He looked her over. “Your lips are turning blue.”

She shrugged. “The cold has been a problem for a while,” she admitted. “I just didn’t want to move.”

“I get it. Come on though. It’s time to go home.”

“We didn’t bring towels,” she noted, with a shrug.

“Nope, we didn’t. So fast trip home, hot showers, then we’ll sit outside and have dinner.”

“Yeah, is there any dinner at your place?”

At least she hadn’t made any comment aboutnotgoing to his place. So he smiled and said, “I can have it delivered by the time we get there.”

“Oh, now that’s a good idea,” she noted. “Chinese.”

“Seriously, Chinese again?”

“Yeah,” she repeated, “Chinese.”


As they grabbed up their shoes and socks, he made the phone call and placed the order.

At the car again, she quickly brushed off her feet. “Wet shoes and socks, not a cool idea.”

“It won’t be for long,” he added, “so you can live with it.”

“Not a problem.” She drove them home. And, true enough, dinner was waiting for them. As they got up to the penthouse, she raced to the shower, calling back, “Last one there’ll get the cold water.”

He roared, jumped into action, and got in there, just as she did. They jostled for room to get inside the shower, and finally he just picked her up, stepped in with her, turned on the jets, and they made hot ferocious love under the cascade of water. When she collapsed, exhausted, against the wall, he smiled, then leaned over to give her a tender kiss. “I’ve been wanting to do that since we were in the ocean.”

“You and me both,” she murmured, looping her arms around his neck. “And I’d go for round two, except I know food’s out there.”

“Oh, look at that,” he said, with mock humor. “I’ve been forsaken for food.”

“Well, we could always come back later,” she replied, waggling her eyebrows.

“Deal,” he said instantly. The speed of his response made her burst out laughing. He grinned as he found some clean clothes. “And what about your clothes?” he asked.

She groaned. “Damn it.”

“I told you to just bring a couple outfits here.”

“Didn’t I leave some clothes last time?” she asked, rooting around in his closet.

“I think you did actually.” He went over to the dresser, where he had cleared out the top two drawers, and pulled out a pair of leggings and a T-shirt and held them up.

“There’s no bra,” she noted, “but I’ll be good to go without one anyway.”

She quickly dressed, and they headed out of the bedroom. Moments later, with the Chinese food served, they were sitting outside, enjoying the meal, the perfect end to an absolutely glorious evening. She gave a happy sigh, as she put down her empty plate. “Now, with a perfect night’s sleep, I would be completely restored and could begin to rebuild my faith in humanity once again.”

“Any reason not to get a good night’s sleep?”

“I hope not. I sure need it.”

Chapter 7

Tuesday Morning