Page 56 of Simon Says… Run

“Fine,” he agreed.

“Do you want to know what you’re getting?”

“No, I don’t. Charge me and send it. We’ll be surprised.”

She laughed. “Consider it on the way.”

He hung up the phone, then turned and looked at Kate to find her crashed on the living room couch, looking sound asleep, her eyes closed. He walked over and studied her carefully.

“I’m not sleeping,” she murmured.

“Good, do you want to shower before dinner?”

Her eyes popped open, and she nodded. “That would be a good idea, but it takes energy.”

He smiled, reached down, and scooped her up in his arms. Ignoring her squawk of surprise, he carried her into the bathroom.

“If you’re too tired for a shower,” he noted, “then I’ll just have to help you out.’

She snorted at that, but, as soon as his hands went to her shirt to unbutton and take it off, she suddenly had the energy for other things. By the time they had finished their quickie and then had a shower, his security panel beeped.

She looked at him in surprise. He nodded. “That’s one of the reasons for the rush,” he explained, with a lopsided grin, “not that I ever need an excuse when you’re in my arms.”

“Well, I wondered, when everything happened so hot and fast.”

“I was hungry,” he stated, with an impudent smile, waggling his eyebrows.

“Yeah, I was too, but I wasn’t thinking about this.”

“Yeah, well, I pretty much always am,” he declared, with a chuckle. He wrapped a towel around his waist, then walked to the door and accepted the food from Harry. “Thanks, bud.”

“One of these days,” Harry noted, “you’ll have to add in a little healthier food.”

“This is from Mama,” he said. “She’d be heartbroken if I quit calling her in emergencies, telling her how I haven’t eaten.”

Harry laughed and laughed. “Well, you’ve got a point there. That was her son who brought it, I think.”

“She told me it was a new service they’ve just started up, not that I’m sure that’s true,” he added. “Still, I figured I might as well try it, since it saves somebody having to go out, when we’re so tired.”

“I’ll have to tell my wife about that,” Harry stated. “Just some days when you don’t want to leave the place.”

“A lot of days I feel that way.”

With that, Harry turned and took the elevator back down again. Simon carried the very large heavy bag into the kitchen, put it on the table, then grabbed the pair of shorts he’d dropped there when he answered the door, and pulled them on. Then he opened up the big double glass doors to the balcony and called out to Kate, still in his bedroom, “Dinner is here.”

She came out, wearing one of his shirts. He looked at her in surprise. She shrugged. “My clothes were pretty sweaty.”

He nodded. “Bring them out, and we’ll throw them in the wash.”

Her eyes shot up, and then she smiled. “That would be a hell of an idea.”

Quickly throwing their clothes into the washer, they got it started, and, with her wearing his shirt that came down just below her butt, he realized she had nothing on underneath, which was guaranteed to keep his mind off the food.

She grabbed the bag and carried it to the outside table. She sat down on the bench with aplunkand a happy sigh. “Did I ever tell you how much I love this place?”

“Yes, you have,” he said on a dry note. “And yet you still won’t come in when I’m not here.”

“No, it’s your place.”