Page 119 of Simon Says . . . Ride

“But you’re close,” Lilliana said. “Think about it. You’ve got a lot. You just need that final clincher that says he’s guilty. Just that one piece, other than the word-of-mouth talk from other people.”

“And that’s where the problem is. Because, so far, everybody with real insider information is dead.”

“Except for his cohorts,” Rodney said.

“Which one of them is the weakest link, you think?” Kate turned to face her partner.

Rodney frowned. “You know what? I’m not sure. But, if you think one of them is a weaker link, you can bet Brandon does too.”

She winced at that. “Maybe we’d better locate all of them and bring them back in for questioning at the same time but in separate rooms.” She stopped, frowned. “Yet I’ve got to get up to Pamela’s place now.”

Rodney spoke up. “I’ll call them in. You want all four guys?”

“Just the three for the moment.” She considered it carefully. “See if we can catch them in a lie and shake something loose.”

“Got it. Are you okay to find Pamela then?”

“Yep, and let’s hope that I can talk to her.”

“Yeah, and let’s hope that, when you do, she has something to say.”

Kate nodded. “Bingo.” And she grabbed her wallet and keys and her jacket, then turned to the others. “I have to go and pick up my car first. Wish me luck.”

At that, Owen shook his head. “You sure you should go alone?”

“Why not?” She didn’t know him anywhere near as well as she did her partner Rodney, but he was a good guy, a good family man, and a good detective.

“I’ll come with you,” Owen said.

Lilliana nodded. “Not a bad idea.”

“If you guys are all in, then why don’t I go with Kate, and you guys can call in these a-holes,” Rodney said.

“Sure,” Owen replied, “that works. So, which three do you want?”

“Not Brandon. The other three.” With that, the list of names and contacts was handed over, and, as Kate headed out, she looked at her partner. “I wasn’t expecting all that.”

“I wasn’t either, and that’s one of the reasons I’m with you now. Because if they feel like a second person is warranted, I don’t want to be sitting on my ass, making phone calls, while you’re out alone, facing whatever the hell’s happening next.”

“I’m just surprised.”

“Don’t knock it,” he said, with a cheerful smile. “Might not ever happen again.”

She burst out laughing at that. As they got into his car, he said, “Let’s head into the Heights.”

“Is that where they live? Wow, swanky. They must have money then.”


As they drove out, she sent Simon a text.Heading up to Pamela’s mother’s place, hoping we can talk to her.She got a response back right away.

Good luck.

Any insights for me?


She frowned at that. “Hardly room twelve in a house,” she grumbled. She looked over at her partner. “Simon says room twelve.”