Page 137 of Simon Says . . . Ride

“It’s not a show of strength to kill and to torment helpless people,” Kate said. “You’ve been running a reign of terror on that university long enough. And we’re here to tell you, it’s over.”

“Nothing’s over.” Brandon smirked, looking at his nails. “You’ve got nothing on me. Besides, you have no jurisdiction over me. The university is policed by the RCMP.”

“That last part is correct. But we do have jurisdiction over you, as the people you murdered were killed at the intersection outside of the university grounds or at off-campus housing—neither of which is policed by the RCMP but by us. You can bet we’re working together on the charges you’ll face for your other lovely nasty bullying attacks at the university. As for evidence, we’ve got the murder weapon for one,” she said, with half a smile. “We’ve got statements from all your sixteen reported cases of attacks on students, then of your threats thereafter to keep your victims silent. Plus now we’ve got the testimony of your cohorts in the crimes. You remember them, don’t you? Walter, Jonathan, Tony?”

Brandon glared.

“Did you really think all your bullying and your threats wouldn’t backfire on you eventually?” She turned to look at the lawyer. “Don’t even think about bailing this guy out, We’ve got four counts of murder in the first degree.”

He immediately shook his head and started to speak.

She held up her hand. “I’m not even talking to you. He’s going down, and he’s going down for a very long time.”

Brandon sneered. “My family will buy my way out.”

“I can’t imagine why they would even want to.” She looked at him, like he was a slug. “You’re nothing but trouble. At some point in time, all of them will just cut their losses. Cut their losses and walk away because you’re just one of those, you know, unlucky sperms that made it through when it shouldn’t have,” she said, with a sneer of her own. “There’s always more where that came from.” And, with that, she turned and walked out.

She heard Brandon screaming inside. She had left the recorder running, just in case he said anything helpful, but, as far as she was concerned, it was done and over. She walked out into the bullpen and dropped the stack of files on her desk. She faced the rest of her team. “I know I need to stay and do a ton of shit, but my stomach is churning with the reality of what our society is producing, so I’ll be taking off for the day. I’ll be back in the morning to handle the rest of this shit.”

After sharing a high five with Rodney, she turned and left. As she walked across the street, ready to find a cab instead of walk, she saw Simon sitting there, waiting for her. He noted the road rash on her face with a grimace, but he didn’t say anything about it. She looked at him. “It’s over. It’s sad and really sickening, but it’s over.”

He stood and opened his arms. Grateful, she walked into them. When they closed around her, he said, “I’d suggest a swim to cleanse all this away, but lacking a pool, how about a walk to remind ourselves of some good things about the city.”

“You know something? I think that is a great idea.”

Then hand in hand, they strode off to enjoy the rest of the day.

This concludes Book3 of Kate Morgan: Simon Says… Ride.

Read about Kate Morgan: Simon Says… Scream, Book4

Simon Says… Scream: Kate Morgan (Book#4)

Introducing a new thriller series that keeps you guessing and on your toes through every twist and unexpected turn….

USA Today Best-SellingAuthor Dale Mayer does it again in this mind-blowing thriller series.

The unlikely team of Detective Kate Morgan and Simon St. Laurant, an unwilling psychic, marries all the unpredictable and passionate elements of Mayer’s work that readers have come to love and crave.

It’s taken some time, but Detective Kate Morgan’s various relationships are gelling at work—and even at home. Until Simon starts screaming in the middle of the night. Worried and not sure she’s up for this, Kate distances herself from him. When a tortured female body shows up, Simon’s visions are of no help, until he describes one specific injury,… the same injury on Kate’s latest case.

A case getting weirder as more is uncovered. A similar tortured death happened more than a decade ago, where the killer was caught and served time. As a suspect he looks good for this current case because he’s now out and back in society. Except he has a solid alibi…

This isn’t the only victim though, and, as the Vancouver PD Homicide Unit digs deeper, Kate’s team finds several more cases—all with connections to the same suspect. But Kate’s still not convinced.

Too much more is going on, and she’s determined to get to the bottom of this, before someone else dies a painful death…

First Sunday of September, Wee Morning Hours

Ascream fromhell woke up Simon. He bolted from the bed and spun around in a panic. In the dark and nude, he tripped over his clothing on the floor as he raced for the window. He didn’t know where that scream had come from, but—

“Jesus Christ, what’s the matter?”

He stopped, turned, and slowly reoriented himself.

Kate sat up in the bed and stared at him. “Simon? What’s the matter?”

“An unholy scream.” He held up his hands, so she could see them trembling.