By the time they made it to her bed, he was already out of his jacket and his shirt. He still had the tie hanging around his neck, and he was tripping over himself, trying to get his pants off his feet. The damn shoes had to be forcefully kicked off, and, by the time he made it to her bed, she was laughing like a crazy woman, stripping off her clothes every step of the way.

When she jumped onto the bed, and he jumped after her to land on top, his temperature was through the roof, and he couldn’t have been happier. This woman tormented him, shocked him, and, at every turn, delighted him. His head came down, his lips matching hers with an ardor that he’d rarely seen matched in another, as they quickly fed the fire, until it burned hot and bright.

She flipped over, sat up on top of him, and whispered, “Let me ride.”

He immediately relaxed underneath her and whispered, “You go, girl.”

She laughed and slowly lowered herself onto his erection, and she stopped, almost shuddering in delight, as he filled her to the brim. When he reached up to cup her breasts, she was left to wonder at how something so small could hold so many damn nerve endings. Just his touch sent a moan rippling up her chest to exhale on a heated breath.

He shook his head. “You’re so damn perfect.”

“I’m scrawny,” she said.

“And that’s all right too.”

She slowly raised herself up onto her knees and then sank back down again. He shuddered and whispered, “You’ll push it too far.”

“Oh, I don’t know,” she whispered. “I think there’s a lot of room for all of this.”

He smiled and agreed. “If you say so.”

“Sit back and relax.”

He shook his head. “Not a hope in hell.” He slid his hands down to her hips, gently stroking the soft curls and the plump lips below.

She shuddered, reaching for his hands, and held them there close to her, as she rose and sank, feeling his fingers against her flesh, as she went up and down his shaft. She rose, fell, and then leaned forward, placing her hands on his shoulders, as she started to ride. Thrust for thrust, he met her oncoming passion, driving them forward, driving them both closer and closer to the edge.

When she finally came apart, he grabbed her hips, holding her tight as he ground upward, plunging to his own climax, until he groaned, his body shuddering in delight.

When she collapsed on top of him, she whispered, “I don’t know what that was, but it was fabulous.”

And, with a heavy sigh, she closed her eyes and, like a child, fell asleep in his arms. He lay here, exhausted, delighted, winded, and, at the same time, completely entranced. It’s not that he hadn’t had wild and crazy sex before because, of course, he had.

He was a man with a lot of years of experience, but nothing so completely natural as her. She was 100 percent—all the time, one way or another—whether she was cranky, whether she was happy, whether she was making love, or whether she was giving somebody, like him, a dressing down. Usually it was all her, and she was all in. It was glorious to watch and even better to experience.

He closed his eyes, then wrapped her up tighter in his arms, ignoring her murmurs, as she tried to shift more comfortably, then stretched down to grab a blanket and awkwardly pulled it over the top of them. His boxers were on his thighs, his socks still on his feet, yet she had somehow managed to strip herself right to the bone.

He shook his head. “Efficient, aren’t you?” he murmured, as he pulled the covers up to her shoulders.

She gave a happy sigh and wiggled in his arms.

He shifted her to her side, curled up with their thighs entwined, and whispered, “Just sleep.”

She closed her eyes again, tucked her head up against his shoulder, and was off.

He marveled at her ability to drop like a child, to just live in the moment, and to move on as need be. He wished he had that ability. Nightmares kept him awake most nights. And right now he was dealing with that weird sense of smell, which he hadn’t had a chance to tell her more about. But it was here. He could smell her elemental female essence. Also the heavy smell of sex permeating the room. But, if there were two smells that he could handle quite nicely being amplified, they were those.

He nuzzled her hair, loving that he had her near him. He sighed happily and shifted again, wondering if he’d sleep. No question that he was struggling with what she obviously wasn’t struggling with. He did doze for a little bit, woke for a while, and dozed for a bit more. When she shifted out of his arms and rolled over, only to sprawl out, taking up three-quarters of the bed, leaving him just a few bare inches along the side, he burst out laughing and got up, quickly stripped off the rest of his clothes, and used the bathroom.

He rarely slept long anyway, but, in this moment, it was so much more fun to just be here with her and watch. Not that he wanted to watch while she slept but to just experience having her here. Too often their time together was short, rushed, and then over. He wanted more but knew she wouldn’t accept it. They hadn’t even talked of this, but he already knew that he wanted her in his life, a whole lot more than what she would likely be willing to give him right now.

He also knew that, if he did anything other than give her space, she would probably walk away completely. And, for the first time, he admitted that such an outcome would incapacitate him. He couldn’t stand the thought of losing her, and that’s what he was facing right now. It was hard to admit that a man who had so few attachments in life was now hook, line, and sinker aligned with this one.

“Dear God,” he whispered, knowing it was the one thing he could say that would adequately cover all his conflicting feelings, ranging from joy to terror, all at once. Yet he wouldn’t change it for the world.

He crawled back into bed. Kate had shifted just enough so there was room for him to crawl up beside her. He tucked under the blankets, wrapped his arms around her, pulled her up spoon-style, and whispered, “I don’t know what I’ll do with you.”

She shifted her head, looking at him bleary-eyed.