Page 121 of Simon Says… Jump

“How did you know I was here?” she asked.

“I texted Rodney a few minutes ago, asking where you were, and he said you were out here. Or should be soon. So I grabbed two coffees from a vendor over a block away.”

“Got any plans for the day?” he asked, with a bright grin.

“Yeah,” she said, “something that has nothing to do with work.”

“Sounds perfect,” he said. “My place or yours?”

She laughed. “I don’t know,” she said. “Whichever will be the most comfortable.”

“My place definitely,” he said instantly.

She rolled her eyes. “My place isn’t bad.”

“Maybe not,” he said, “but it’s nothing like mine.”

She had to agree with that. “But first,” she said, “I want to walk around some and remember all the good things about Vancouver.”

“There are a lot of good things here,” he said, his voice warm, and she nodded.

“I know,” she said. “I just need to be reminded of some of them.”

And, with arms linked, they headed off to tour the city.

This concludes Book2 of Kate Morgan: Simon Says… Jump.

Read about Kate Morgan: Simon Says… Ride, Book3

Simon Says… Ride: Kate Morgan (Book#3)

Introducing a new thriller series that keeps you guessing and on your toes through every twist and unexpected turn….

USA Today Best-SellingAuthor Dale Mayer does it again in this mind-blowing thriller series.

The unlikely team of Detective Kate Morgan and Simon St. Laurant, an unwilling psychic, marries all the unpredictable and passionate elements of Mayer’s work that readers have come to love and crave.

Detective Kate Morgan is hot on a new confusing case. A cyclist is killed at the main intersection to the University of British Columbia. At first glance it looks like a hit-and-run, but, as details emerge, it gets much more complicated.

From one day to the next, Simon is blinded by an overload of senses and noises. It’s impacting his regular business day, and he seems unable to control when and how these moments occur. Angry and frustrated, he tells Kate but knows she’s unable to help. How can she, when he can’t help himself?

As Kate struggles to work her way through a gang of arrogant university students, reluctant parents, a defensive dean, and way too many unobservant witnesses, she finds a disturbing pattern of more “accidents”andmore victims…

Then finally Simon understands why his senses are on overload… and flips the investigation around.

Third Monday in August

It had beena good two weeks since she’d had a couple days off, and those two days she’d spent with Simon now seemed like a hell of a long time ago. She groaned.

Rodney looked up at her. “What’s the matter now?”

“This stupid case,” she said. “I’m still tracking down more of the suicides.”

“I know,” he said, “but all we really can do is give the families closure at this point in time.”

“Well, at least that asshole is dead and gone. I’m glad his body was recovered.”

“Exactly. And nobody will mourn murderer Ken’s death either.”