Page 46 of Simon Says… Jump

“Well, let me know what you find.”

“I’m still applying,” she said, with a laugh. “Go sit down and do something useful.”

“Wouldn’t that be nice?” Kate said, staring at her computer. She brought up the email with Louisa’s photo and stared at her. “Where did he get that picture from, I wonder?”

“Good point. Does David have photos on his phone?” Lilliana asked.

“Did his phone come in with him?” Kate asked, turning to Lilliana, who hopped up and walked over and printed off the report of what items came in with David.

“His cell phone, yes, but it’s dead.”

“Of course it is. I wonder if I can get a copy of this and ask his wife where he might have gotten it from.”

“Minus the bullet hole?” Lilliana asked drily.

“Yeah, I was thinking I could maybe cut it off.” She put it into a free editing program, cut it off just below the bullet hole, and then attached it to an email to the wife, Louisa, with a quick question. Kate got a response a few minutes later, saying,No idea. I’ve never seen that photo before.

Kate frowned and said, “So does that mean somebody’s been tracking her?”

“Well, if you think about it,” Lilliana said, “part of the actual fear in all of this would be for somebody to know who your wife is.”

Kate looked at her team member and said, “Bingo. Nobody on the chats would know that, would they? So somebody had to have tracked down David’s real name, found his wife, took a picture of her, and attached it to an email address that may or may not have been public knowledge either.”

“In other words, a hacker,” Lilliana said.

Rodney turned, looked at her, and said, “Unfortunately way too many of those guys are out there.”

She nodded. “Particularly, if they’ll do this, they have decent skills.”

Rodney started a list for the profile, printing off one for Kate. “You’ll have to talk to the shrink again.”

“I only got five minutes with him last time. Once he connected the dots, I honestly think I was more of a specimen to put under a microscope than anything else.”

Lilliana laughed and laughed. “Well, you did get the last one fired.”

“Actually she got put in jail,” Rodney said, with a big grin.

“It’s not my fault Yolynda was keeping pedophiles’ secrets,” Kate stated. “Just think. She could have saved all those kids.”

“Not sure if she could have saved them because I think a lot of the conversations between her and her brothers came after the fact, but she could have certainly stopped their vile long ago.”

“And it’s true that it was the same family who abused Simon, huh?” Lilliana asked.

Kate nodded her head. “And I can assure you, that’s not a subject we talk about.”

“Nope. But I would like to know more about his psychic gifts.”

“Not me,” she said. “I just hope that conversation never comes up again.”

“But he helped you with that pedophile case.”

“He might have,” she said, “and I might have gotten there on my own too.”

“But maybe not in time to save Leonard,” Rodney added.

“I would like to think so,” she snapped. Then she groaned. “Sorry, sore subject and I’m tired.” She looked at the photo of Louisa again. “I wonder if she would have any idea when the picture was taken, like if she could remember when she wore that shirt.”

She quickly called Louisa and said, “I get that you have never seen that photo before, but you’re wearing a particular shirt. Do you have any idea how often you would have worn that or when you might have worn it last?”