It didn’t matter the answer. Everything started to spin and within seconds, it went dark.

Chapter Two

“The jet is ready. Now are you going to tell me what this is all about?” Jacob asked.

Rick finished tying Tulip into the chair. He’d chained her wrists to the seat and wrapped a piece of rope around her middle. The woman wasn’t going anywhere.

“I’m heading back to you. I want someone ready at airport security.”

“Again, it’s always a given, but why?”

“I’m not traveling alone. I may have the resource we need to get Landon under control.” He hung up and pocketed his cell phone.

“You’re going to need to give her this when you land,” Mandy said.

He took the syringe from her and looked at his beautiful wife. “Why are you helping me? I know what you think about violence and all of this.” He’d tested the waters long ago to see if she could ever handle what he was like. She’d failed, but he loved her and there was no way he could ever give her up. He always figured this was the universe’s way to fuck with him. Give him a woman who struggled with who he really was. The truth was, he didn’t miss all the crap that went on with being a Denton in the city. Giving it up had been a challenge and when he had some difficult patients, it would have been so easy to kill them or hit them. He held himself back all the time. It was what he did. He’d learned to use his job as some kind of restraint. His reward, his wife. Holding her at the end of the night, being inside her—it was all he needed to keep on the straight and narrow.

“You’re my man, Rick. I didn’t think I’d be able to handle this, any of this, but I’ve shocked myself.” She cupped his cheek. “Come back to me when you can.” She kissed him hard and he escorted her off the jet. Once she was safely inside the car, he called his security guy to make sure she got home safely. He never left Mandy unattended. She was always surrounded by men he could trust.

He gave the signal to the pilot and then went back to where he’d left Tulip. Taking a seat opposite her, he watched her as they took off.

They were in the air for about twenty minutes before she started to come around. The drug wasn’t designed to keep her out for days.

“What’s going on?” she asked, confused. She started to wriggle in the cuffs, and within a matter of minutes, she was fully awake.

“What kind of fucked-up shit are you on?” She cried out as she wrested her wrists against the binds. “Let me the fuck out.”

He noticed she didn’t exactly scream for help, another unusual sign. “I want to know where you grew up.”

“On planet Earth. What the fuck is your deal? I don’t know you but believe me, you don’t want to have anything to do with me.”

“I know. Of course, I don’t want anything to do with you. I’m not taking you for me. I’m taking you for someone else.” He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. “Now, tell me about yourself.”

She pressed her lips together.

He smiled.

This woman had a lot more sass and spirit than Sarah, that was for damn sure. This gi

rl’s twin, and he was sure she was a twin, was way too meek and submissive. It always surprised him seeing Landon and Sarah together, but he’d kept that to himself. Landon hadn’t experienced any of that need, the passion to claim his woman. With Sarah, he’d never stopped being sweet, loving.

“You didn’t grow up in a happy home.”

“I’m not about to play stories with you. You’ve kidnapped me. That’s a crime, you know. They’re going to lock you up and throw away the key.”

“You’re not the first woman I’ve taken, or the first woman I’ve thought about killing. I’ve been doing this gig a long time and so far, no one’s come close to taking me out.”

“Oh, great, I had to be the one to serve the weirdo. Why come to the UK, huh? What was in it for you?”

“I actually came to be with my wife, so seeing you, let’s just say, you’re a mystery to me.”

“I don’t do no funny business. Wait, if you’ve got a wife you clearly fancy, why are you bothering with me?” she asked.

“All will become clear.” He got up and went to the food stand. He grabbed a couple of sandwiches and some snacks and returned.

“This is how you’re going to win me over? A sandwich and a packet of crisps? Please.”

“I have no interest in winning you, Tulip. The tranquilizer I gave you may make you feel a little sick, and well, I’ve got big plans for you.”