Page 13 of Mr. London

“Brilliant!” Sandra says, beaming. “How does next Saturday sound, around six?”

“That sounds great, Sandra. And thank you.”

We stand and hug each other goodbye. Sandra’s right. I do need to get my mind off Alex, and meeting some new people would probably help. I tell myself to get excited about new possibilities, and push thoughts of Alex out of my mind. At least for now.

The man sat a few tables over from the blonde woman, pretending to read a newspaper. He had followed her to the café, discretely watched her while she waited for the brunette to arrive. He had first seen the woman a few weeks ago while she was with Alex McCall. He had been tracking Alex for weeks, making sure to remain hidden in the shadows. He changed his appearance frequently to ensure he would not be noticed. He wasn’t. He was an expert at blending in with the crowd. It was how he’d been trained.

He had followed Alex and the blonde throughout Portobello Market, making sure to keep a safe distance. Then watched them make their way the pub. He was going to follow them into the restaurant, but changed his mind when he saw that Alex had suddenly become alert. He chuckled. Alex had temporarily let his guard down when he was with the blonde, all of his attention focused on her. Which was exactly what he wanted. All it took was for a target to let their guard down, only for a second, and they were his. He decided not to take his chances, and had slowly, quietly walked by, and then disappeared into the crowded street.

He listened to the blonde woman chatting to her friend. She was obviously American. He could hear snippets of their conversation, listening, acquiring information about her as she spoke. The man could hear what sounded like a Southern accent, her words slightly drawn out, vowels emphasized. He planned to do a complete profile on her.

He would also continue to do surveillance on McCall. He would watch and wait. And when the time was right, Alex McCall would be his.

I return home to find a box outside my door. That’s strange, I thought. I’m not expecting any deliveries. Probably a care package from Mom, I thought, smiling at her thoughtfulness. Picking up the box, I notice how light it is.

I walk into the flat, put the box aside, and immediately pull the drapes back. Sunshine fills the space, giving it a warm glow. I decide I need to get some plants for the flat, maybe a few pieces of art to hang on the walls, too.

My stomach rumbles, it’s time to eat. Cooking has always been a pleasure for me. I know some people find it to be a hassle, especially if they live alone, but not me. Not that I’m a gourmet cook. Far from it. But I do enjoy it. I begin chopping up an onion and open a package of ground beef. Thirty minutes later, I’m eating a comforting meal of meatloaf and mashed potatoes, the flavors reminding me of home.

After eating and then checking my email, I pick up the package. I gently shake it, hear a slight rustle. Finding a pair of scissors, I carefully begin to open it. Inside is a white box with ornate silver scrolls delicately drawn along the sides of the box. Lifting the top off, I see a small notecard lying atop white tissue paper.

‘A beautiful woman deserves

a beautiful scarf.’


The cashmere scarf from Portobello Market. I slowly remove it from the box, feeling the softness of the fabric between my fingers. It’s even more beautiful than I remember, so simple and elegant. I’m reminded of our Saturday together, how surprised I was to see him, and how much I enjoyed the day with him. I place the scarf back in the box, debating whether I should accept this gift from Alex. Alex – my boss. I have to keep reminding myself of this simple fact.

It’s just a scarf, not a ring! Most women would love a gift like this. Yes, he is your boss. But, you love this scarf and it was kind of him to buy it for you. You should be thankful.

I’ve talked myself into it - I’ll accept the gift. After all, it would be rude not to.

Chapter 9

Progress has finally resumed on the Cosmopolitan Hotel. With the groundwater problem resolved, it was full speed ahead. The foundations of the hotel have been completed and now steel frames are being put into place. It never gets old watching the birth of a building.

Alex had been in his office all day, either on the phone or on conference calls. I wanted to thank him for the scarf. I knock on his office door, hoping he has a moment to spare.

“Come in.”

I open the door wide enough to poke my head through. “I need to talk to you, if you have a minute.”

He looks away from his computer, pauses when he sees me.

“Of course.” He closes his laptop.

I walk into his office, closing the door behind me. “I want to thank you for the scarf. It’s beautiful. And very thoughtful of you.”

He looks at me with those deep blue eyes. I think I could lose myself in those eyes. Eyes that penetrate into me, down into my innermost self. “I hope you’ll be happy to wear it.”

I look away from his gaze, trying to gather my thoughts. “Okay. That’s all I wanted to tell you. I know you’re really busy, so I’ll be in my office if you need me.” I turn to leave, my hand on the doorknob, when his voice stops me.

“Join me for dinner tonight. Please.”

There was something about the way he said it that made me stop dead in my tracks. His voice oozed need, not sexual need, but something else. Something more. My hand drops from the doorknob, and I turn around, facing him. His lips, usually smiling a sexy, cocky smile, are slightly parted, a look of anticipation on his face.

Without thinking, I reply instantly. “Yes.”