Page 53 of Mr. London

“In one hour?” I repeated, stunned. All of this was happening so fast. Shit, I barely had time to digest everything Alex told me, and now I have to leave the country. I started shaking.

“It’s going to be okay,” Alex said, drawing me to him. “I’m not going to let anything happen to you.” I lean against him, holding on to him.

After a few moments, I withdraw from his embrace and push my hair back, pulling myself together. Alex pushes a strand of hair off my forehead, tucking it behind my ear.

“Do we have a future together, Alex? A real future?” I knew this probably wasn’t the best time to be asking this, but I couldn’t help myself. I needed to know.

Alex looks deep into my eyes, his blue eyes penetrating into mine. “Katherine, you are my future.”

I close my eyes, allowing his words to penetrate. It was what I needed to hear. Resolutely, I stand up and walk over to the hallway closet, pulling my suitcase out. “Guess it’s time to pack,” I said. I could see the relief wash over Alex’s face.

Alex walks to window, pulls the heavy curtain back just an inch. He gives Antonio a quick nod.

“Here, take this,” I said, handing the spare key to my flat to Alex. “I don’t know why I’m giving this to you now, but I want you to have it. Just in case.” Alex nods, taking the key from me.

Forty-five minutes later, we’re heading towards the airport. We sit in silence, holding hands. Alex strokes my hand with his thumb, a comforting gesture. I glance over at him, wondering what he’s thinking.

We arrive at Stansted Airport, pulling up next to a Gulfstream G550. I stare for a moment –it’s a beautiful piece of aircraft machinery.

Antonio walks around to open the door. I slide out of the SUV, with Alex behind me. Antonio picks up my suitcase, carries it onto the aircraft. I have a sudden flashback to when I first met Antonio at Heathrow Airport, picking up my suitcase for me when I first arrived to London. It seems like a million years ago.

Alex has a brief conversation with the pilot and crew. I stand at the bottom of the steps leading up into the gleaming white jet. Alex walks back towards me, following the crew.

The sun is beginning to set and there is a slight chill in the air. Summer is coming to an end. I turn towards Alex, a lump suddenly in my throat.

“The pilot and crew are excellent. They’ll take good care of you,” Alex says. I look down, trying to keep the tears at bay.

Alex gently lifts my chin, his fingers brushing away a single tear. “Come here,” he whispers, emb

racing me. We stand there holding each other, savoring this moment.

“When will we see each other again?” I ask, suddenly terrified this may be the last time I see Alex. The thought makes me shudder, and I pull him close to me once more.

“As soon as I take care of this, we’ll be back in each other’s arms,” he whispers into my ear. “I promise you.”

I close my eyes, inhale his masculine scent. “I’ll call you when I land,” I say.

Alex nods. He cradles my head in his hands, bringing my lips to his. We kiss, a deep, hungry kiss. His tongue entwined with mine, pulling me even deeper into his kiss. And then he pulls away, slowly, reluctantly, and whispers, “Goodbye, Katherine.”

Without another word, Alex turns and walks back to the Range Rover. I stand at the bottom of the stairs, watching him. He looks over at me, a quick wave and a nod.

“Goodbye, Alex,” I say softly. Bringing my fingertips to my lips, I can still feel the heat from his kiss. I turn around and walk up the stairs to the jet, the crew ready for take-off.

Chapter 38

Alex watched the jet barrel down the runway, picking up speed as it went, and finally lifting into the air, tucking its tires underneath. He and Antonio sat and watched the aircraft until it was a tiny dot in the sky, and then it was gone.

“Let’s get out of here,” Alex said to Antonio.

It had been one hell of a day, he thought. He was ready to get home even though he knew he wouldn’t sleep tonight. Alex looked at his phone, pulled up the security camera feed from outside Katherine’s door. He watched the monitor several minutes. There was nothing to see.

Alex put his phone away. Katherine was away now, safely aboard the jet. This gave Alex some peace of mind.

Later, when he was back home, he poured himself a whisky and hastily removed his jacket and tie. He went to check the locks on the door one more time, made sure the security system was activated. Both he and Antonio had done a sweep of the penthouse earlier, looking for hidden cameras, bombs, anything. The place was clean.

I’m sick of this shit, he thought. Sick of all of it.

The years of constant checking, looking over his back, security cameras. It was no way to live. No way to live a normal life.