Page 8 of Mr. London

“Very well, sir.” The waiter hurries off with our order.

“Do you come here often,” I ask.

“Maybe once or twice a week, if I have the time,” he replies.

The waiter brings our drinks. I take a long drink of the red wine, feel the warm sensation of the alcohol.

Alex takes a drink of his whisky. “I’m pleased with everything you’ve done so far on the Cosmopolitan project.”

“Thank you,” I reply. “I’m thoroughly enjoying the project, and glad you think everything is going well.” I pause, taking another sip of wine. “But, there is one thing I’m slightly concerned about.”

Alex raises an eyebrow. “Really? Tell me.”

“I got a call late yesterday from Patrick, in the architect’s office. He said the specific carpeting you want might not be able to be produced on time.”

“This isn’t good,” Alex says. “Any suggestions?”

“Well, the carpet is being manufactured in Dalton, Georgia. And, as you know, I know a lot of people there. I’ll make a call on Monday,” I say, smiling.

Alex grins and takes a drink of his whisky. “Excellent. You see,” Alex says, leaning in over the table, “I knew you’d be an asset to me.”

I smile, holding his gaze, and feel the sparks fly between us.

“Would you like another glass of wine?” Alex asks, noting my empty glass. I hadn’t realized I had finished my glass already. No wonder I was feeling so relaxed, so chatty with Alex. I hesitated. I had said just one drink.

Damn, Katherine. Live a little! You’re having a great time with an interesting and gorgeous man. You’re 27, not 87. Have some fun! For a change.

What the hell. I needed to let loose, let off some steam. And I was having a wonderful time with Alex. I really didn’t want to leave.

“Sure, why not?” I replied. He looks at me, smiling, a slightly surprised look on his face.

Alex waves to the waiter. “Another glass of wine for the lady. And an order of bruschetta, please.”

Two hours and three generous glasses of wine later, I was feeling good. More than good. I was feeling drunk. And so turned on I could hardly contain myself. Two hours of talking and listening to Alex McCall had made me realize that I had only known silly little boys – guys. Alex was different - a man. His aura of composure and self-assuredness was beyond sexy. It was intoxicating. A chill raced up my spine.

“Let’s go for walk,” I suggest, feeling the need for some fresh air to clear my head. We leave the tavern with Alex stopping at the bar to pay the tab.

“I know just the place to go,” Alex says.

/> “You lead the way,” I reply, ready to follow him wherever.

A few blocks down we arrive at Holland Park. It’s a beautiful park in the Notting Hill area, just west of London. Quiet and peaceful, almost serene. We stroll through the park, the gardens lush and green, with gorgeous flowers blooming everywhere. A proud peacock struts by, fanning its tail. It’s like a slice of English countryside right in the middle of London.

“Why don’t we sit down,” Alex says, pointing towards an empty bench in front of a water fountain. The area was quiet with no one else around. Only the burbling sound of the water fountain.

We sit down on the wooden bench, our bodies angled towards each other.

“I’ve enjoyed today. It’s been really nice to get out and see more of London,” I say to Alex.

“I would love to show you all of London,” Alex says, taking my hand in his.

“I would like that.” I could feel my guard crumbling. I didn’t care. All I could think about was how alive I felt being with Alex in this moment.

Alex reaches over and gently caresses my cheek. His touch lights up every nerve in my body. I reach up for his hand, wanting to touch him. He brings my hand to his lips, kissing the front of it, his eyes staring deep into mine. It was both tantalizing and tender.

He leans toward me, with one hand still holding mine, and the other gliding over the back of my neck. I can feel the strength of his hand, pulling me closer to him. My breathing deepens, my lips part.

Alex kisses me, deeply, with a passion I have never known before. He glides his hand down, over my shoulders, resting it on my lower back. His tongue explores my mouth, gliding over my lips, sending a ripple of sensation throughout my body. I run my hand up his back, his neck, up to his hair, grabbing a handful of it, pulling him even closer to me.