She dropped her head into her hands, and he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close.

“All my life I’ve been trying to prepare for this moment.”

“And now?” he asked.

“I could have wrapped the chains around your neck. I’ve not done it. I really don’t know what to do. I’m … lost.”

“You should get some rest. My mom always says everything will be better in the morning, and so I’m going to take her advice.”

“You are?”

“Yeah, and I’m going to let you know that everything is going to be all right in the morning.” He kissed her head and made his way out of her room. When he turned back toward her, he found her curled up on the bed, eyes closed. He had to protect her. No matter what, he had to make sure she survived this.


The following morning, after a shower, and a change of clothes, Ruby felt a million time better. Her dreams had been consumed by her brother, recalling everything that happened.

It was hard to believe the file, and yet she had no other evidence other than what she thought she heard. Her brother always said she always acted without all the facts, and this was clearly the case now.

The door to the room opened, and she saw Jacob enter the room. She frowned. Oliver had been in the room, reasoning with her. The cuffs around her wrists had been removed, which she was thankful for. They had cut into her wrists all night.

She was starving, and from the pancakes, bacon, and scrambled eggs, Charlotte was still here. She did remember Charlotte from her childhood. The memory wasn’t that strong, but she was there.

“Hey,” he said. “Did you sleep well?”

“No, not really. Had nightmares.” She pressed her lips together, hating how honest she was being.

Jacob chuckled. “Nothing wrong with being completely honest.”

“Not if you’re not used to it.” She looked at the man who had been on her hit list.

Hit list?

What the hell was she going to do?

“I have something.” He held up a disk and a small compact DVD player.

“What’s that?”

“This is Lionel’s last message. He wanted you to be prepared for all possibilities, and this was one of them. I was going to toss this out when we couldn’t find you. I decided that there could be a chance you were alive, especially when we couldn’t find your body.”

“His last message?”

“One night, a week before he was murdered, he came across as morbid. He wanted the both of us to make a last message to a loved one.” Jacob sighed. “It was like he knew something bad was going to come. I wish I could have protected him, Ruby. Please believe me.”

The Denton men were nothing like she thought they would be. She’d expected savages in the form of men.

He put the disk in the DVD player and handed it to her. She saw a single title ready for her to play.

“I’ll leave you alone.”

She watched him leave, and then pressed play. Taking a deep breath, she watched as Lionel, her brother, took a seat. She didn’t recognize the surroundings.

“Hey, buttercup. How are you doing? Still pretending you can keep up with those diets? You know you’ve got to keep me full up.” He patted his stomach, and it reminded her of all the time she’d spent in the kitchen baking and cooking.

She used to drive her mother crazy because she preferred to go into kitchen shops than clothes shops. Her parents would argue all the time over her, her mother believing she’d never get a husband, and her father believing she would because she could cook.

“Remember what I told you. Don’t let those other kids get to you. You’re beautiful, and perfect, and sweet.” He let out a breath. “I thought this was a good idea, but now, I don’t know. I guess, if you’re watching this, you now know it’s because I’m gone, I’m dead. You don’t know much about what we do as a family, or who we’re connected to. I hope I’ve got the chance to tell you the truth, but I feel like I’m not going to get that chance. We work with a wonderful family, the Dentons. You like them, sweetie, but in recent years we’ve not had the time to linger. I’m not going to go into detail, but just know if you need anything then reach out to Jacob, Maddox, or Charlotte Denton. They will protect you at all costs. I love you, buttercup. You’re my sister, and I wish I was there for whenever you need someone. I trust the Dentons with my life, and I know you’ll be taken care of. I hope you never have to see this.”