It didn’t matter to him. He just enjoyed spending time with her. For the next week he had her all to himself, and if it wasn’t for his Aunt Mandy and Uncle Rick, he wouldn’t have been able to bring Sarah home with him.

You can’t go back.

There was no chance of him going back to England indefinitely.

“Of course they will.”

“I’ve told you my brother won’t have a problem with you, Sarah. You’re going to have fun,” Rick said.

Rick was driving them toward his parents’ house. It had been a long time since Rick had been home, seeing as he moved to England to be a doctor along with his wife.

“You’re going to love the Denton house, sweetie,” Mandy said.

“Charlotte is one hell of a cook, and family means so much to them.”

“I’m pleased you were able to talk my parents ‘round, Mandy. I never thought I’d be able to leave the house,” Sarah said, chuckling.

“Well you two lovebirds better know that you won’t be sharing a bed,” Rick said. “We promised.”

Landon cursed and looked toward Sarah. Her face had gone bright red.

“We’re just friends,” Sarah muttered the words, and he forced a smile to his lips.

“Yeah, we’re just friends.” He stared at his uncle, trying to get Rick to shut up.

“My bad. You guys have spent so much time together.”

“You can be friends with a girl without all the other business, Rick. You did with me,” Mandy said, chuckling.

“Babe, I married you.”

“Ah, so you’re telling me that it wasn’t because of my thrilling company?”

Landon snorted. “Go ahead, Uncle Rick. Get yourself out of that one.”

“I absolutely loved studying with you, and I found everything you had to say thrilling. In fact, it’s what made me fall in love with you even more.”

“Nice save,” Mandy said.

That’s what Landon wanted. He looked toward Sarah, and wondered if she even had a clue that she completed him in ways that fighting never had before.


Oliver’s parents had to get home to deal with Landon and his girlfriend. His brothers also left his apartment, leaving him alone with a killer woman. He closed the door, and stopped as he heard heavy rock music start to play.

Ruby Santos was an interesting woman. One moment she was happy to kill him, and the next, she seemed to withdraw into herself. The only time she had any energy inside her body was when she thought about exacting revenge.

The song she’d turned on he’d listened to many times. It was heavy rock, and helped him to clear his mind when he was struggling.

Entering the sitting room, he saw she’d moved his coffee table out of the center of the room. With her arms in the air, her long hair cascading all around her, she danced to the heavy beat of the music, her too slim hips swinging from side to side, her tits bouncing with each sway. She spun around, and he watched as the dance changed, combining some of the fighting stances he remembered from his younger days.

With his arms folded, he admired the way she simply lost control, allowing the song to take over. She flipped her head forward, then back, arms once again in the air, circling her hips. Every now and then she pulled up the sweatpants as she danced around the square.

The song came to an end, and she stopped, panting for breath, looking at him.

Neither of them spoke as another song came on. They were his guilty pleasure.

Rolling up the arms of his shirt, he took a step toward her.