“Martha?” Randal asked, taking in the sight.

So he didn’t get away, Oliver shot two bullets in each leg. “I want you to stay there while I finish this.” Grabbing her hips, he rode her harder than before, groaning as he filled the condom. The orgasm rushed through him, making him tingle. “Ah, I love a good fuck.” Pulling out of her, he threw the condom on the floor, and pulled his pants up. Giving her ass a little slap, he winked at her.

“That was good for me, too, baby.”

Randal was trying to crawl away, and that was simply not going to be good for him. Oliver wanted some answers, and of course now that his thirst for fucking had been sated, it was time for his thirst for blood was as well.

Blood streaked across the white carpet, and he stood, watching the man.

“Leave me alone. Please.”

He rolled his eyes. “Why are you begging now? I heard you were bragging how stupid we all are. The Dentons being stupid, and that we shouldn’t have trusted you.” He knelt down, watching as Randal started crying. It was really sad to see a grown man cry. Oliver found tears overrated.

“Please, I beg you. I didn’t have a choice?”

“Well, as you can see, I didn’t have a choice but to fuck your wife’s ass. I’d say with how loose she is, she’s been using every man that has come through this house.”

“You bet I have. He’s not exactly packing,” she said, grabbing a robe. “You will clean up his mess, r


“You got it, babe. Here, take your money.” He handed her a hundred grand, and turned his attention toward his prey. “You’ve been a very naughty boy.”

“They told me to do it. The Coltons. They cornered me, and I didn’t have a choice.”

Oliver tutted. “You had a choice. Everyone has a choice, and you decided to be disloyal. We don’t like when people turn their backs on us, so why don’t we start by you telling me when Colton approached you, and which one?”

Seconds passed, and finally Randal caved.

“It’s Gabriel, the oldest son. He’s rising up, looking to take over the city. He’s the same age as Jacob.”

Oliver listened as Randal spilled every single little detail. It was a shame really. He loved being able to torture their enemies, and this guy was making everything too easy for him. Pulling his knife from out of his boot, he stabbed the traitor in the throat.

“Well that was boring.”

Standing up, he put a call through to the cleaning crew, and made his way toward the bathroom. Staring at his reflection, he checked to make sure he hadn’t messed up his shirt. This was the one his mother had bought him, and he liked his mother’s style. Washing his hands, he whistled as the blood ran down the sink.

He was drying his hands as his cell phone started buzzing.

“Hello, Daddy,” he said.

“Oliver, grow up.”

“That’s not very nice. I’m very grown up.” He can imagine his father rolling his eyes. Maddox Denton was a tough son of a bitch, not that his grandma was a bitch. No, the elder Mrs. Denton was a fierce woman.

“What’s the news?”

“Randal was blackmailed. Gabriel Colton.”

“The son?”

“Yep. He’s started an uprising, and he’s after our men. We’ve got to keep on top, and kill off any rats.”

“Some rats are working our side, Oliver.”

He wrinkled his nose. “Don’t agree. A rat is a rat. They’re no use. If they will fuck you over once, they’ll fuck you over all the time.”

Maddox sighed. “Just get back here before you get in trouble.”