“Ten years ago? You know they still had computers then.”

“Exactly, and you said everyone has a fingerprint even when it comes to computers, and I’m trusting you.”

Lewis sighed. “Fine, fine. I’ll do it. Will you try and stay safe?”

“Yeah. There’s something else.”

“What, my little love bug?”

She chuckled. “Have you heard about the Denton curse, or something related to the Denton and their women?”

“Ah, the legacy.”

“The legacy?” She frowned.

“Yeah, I did try to tell you about it a few months ago. You weren’t interested. The men have this ability, like a sixth sense or something. When they know the woman that is supposed to be theirs, it’s instant. They can’t fight it.”


“Yeah, it’s freaky shit, but damn, I wish I felt it as well. I’d love to be able to discover my woman.”


“Of course. Don’t you think it would be magical?”

“I don’t know. I’ve not really thought about it. Anyway, I’ve got to go. Talk soon.”

Before her friend could say anything more, she hung up the phone.

Her heart was once again pounding, and there was a small flicker of hope. She didn’t know what it meant, only that it was strong.

Could there be a future here for her?


Three days later

“This fucking sucks!” Oliver said, collapsing into the spare chair at his father’s office. Maddox was on the phone, and glaring at him to be quiet.

“What sucks now?” Jacob asked, reading through the newspaper.

“The one sided element to our fucking curse.”

“It’s not a curse, it’s a legacy,” Abel said.

“Yeah, and your women were much more compliant to it.”

Abel burst out laughing at the same time as Jacob.

“What the fuck are you two laughing at?” he asked.

“You thinking that our women were actually okay with that we told them,” Jacob said, chuckling. “You’re so fucked in the head.”

“Wait, you’re saying that Lou wasn’t?”

“I had to work damn hard to even go on a date with her. She hated the Dentons, and our family. Some days I actually think she hates us for good reasons.”

“Lou doesn’t blame us. It wasn’t our fault,” Oliver said.