“And women fall for that?” she asked.

He laughed, typed on his cell phone, and turned. The smile on his face died when he stared at her, and his gaze ran up and down her body. She didn’t like that weird ass look on his face. Was it interest? Lust?

No, this guy was sick. He was part of a twisted, horrible family.

“Oliver Denton,” he said, and there was something wrong with his voice. It wasn’t threatening, or even scary. He held out his hand as if to shake hers. She glared at his offending hand.

“I know who you are.”

She dropped her purse onto the ground, hearing the thunk of the gun as it hit the pavement. There was no time to think. She shoved his hand away, aimed her leg high, and slammed it against his chest. He was taken by surprise and fell back.

Not giving him chance to regain his balance, she slammed her first against his nose but he dodged it, standing tall, capturing her arm.

“Well, that’s not very fucking nice.”

He caught her arm under his, giving it a little tug that had her crying out. She was used to pain, and had spent quite a bit of money getting men to hurt her. The only way to train was to have m

en willing to hurt her.

“I fucking hate you.”

“Well, princess, I don’t have a fucking clue who you are, and I think this kind of behavior is naughty.”

She stamped on his foot, and cursed when she realized that he was wearing steel toe caps. There was no way she was going to hurt him with boots like that. Adrenaline was driving her, and she just wanted to hit out at him.

Glaring at him, she tried to aim for his leg, and he wouldn’t release her.

“This is pathetic.” He shoved her away. “Just stop.”

“No. I’m not stopping.” She rushed him, and once again, he caught her as if she meant nothing to him. He sighed.

“You really think as a Denton I don’t know how to deal with you?”

“I’m going to fucking kill you.”

“At this rate, you’re going to hurt yourself.”

Throwing out her hand, she tried to catch him off guard, and no matter what she did, he dodged it.

The more she was thwarted, the angrier she got.

Finally, he tugged her to him and wrapped his arms around her neck. She panicked, and went completely against all of her training.

Dark spots rushed over her vision, and she couldn’t get any air.

She had failed, and there was no coming back from it.

“You’re such a beautiful woman when you’re not ruining it with all of your crap,” he said.

It was the last thing she remembered before everything went dark.

Chapter Two

Oliver held the now unconscious woman in his arms, and glared toward the entrance of the alley where his brothers finally appeared. Gideon, Jacob, and Abel.

“Took your fucking time,” he said.

“What? The text you sent was like a bad joke,” Gideon said.