Ruby didn’t let him go, and after several seconds, he opened his eyes, pulled away but still holding her hands. Together, they allowed the power of music to take away their bitter pasts, their pains, and to release their anger.

Staring into his wife’s eyes, Oliver knew he could face the entire world with her by his side. Even with her body softening and changing with all the curves of her pregnancy, they were united as one.

Their love had not been easy, but together they were stronger together.

“I love you,” she said, mouthing the words, seeing as he couldn’t hear anything.

No longer caring how it made her uncomfortable, he pulled her into his arms, and lifted her up. Even as she fought for him to put her down, he wouldn’t.

Carrying her out of the bedroom, he went to the stairs. Today was the start of their future that bound them together for the rest of their lives.

The End

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