Page 11 of Ace of Hearts

“Hell, no. I work very hard at keeping my shit straight. Being strung out on drugs is a good way to wind up dead in my line of work.”

“Well, stay safe, and I’ll talk to you soon.” She gestured down to his softening member. “You might want to see to that.”

“You have me so turned around that I forgot to tuck it.”

“I’m all about you running around with your rod out, since I like seeing it. So don’t expect any more reminders from me.” Tossing the black marker back onto the counter, she grabbed a sheet of stickers, pulled off a red heart, and stuck it to the head of his penis. Glancing up at the handsome man, she realized he was gaping at her. “Your friend said if you were good, you might get a sticker. You were magnificent, so I thought that I’d show a little gratitude.”

Grinning like a mad fool, he quipped playfully, “You’re cheeky. Why didn’t I see that before?”

The water turning ice cold tore her from her reminiscing.Jesus, how long was I enjoying that little trip down memory lane?

Shutting off the water, she rushed to get ready and hustle to the college in time to teach her class.

~ Ace ~

Grabbing the textbook Ms. Tiffany had purchased for him, Ace headed to the room indicated on the online registration confirmation. Since they’d posted a schematic of the small campus, it was easy to find. Intrigued with the idea of attending a real college class, Ace had read all the information posted for new students and discovered gang colors were prohibited. He could argue that his MC wasn’t a gang and probably win on appeal. However, he wasn’t keen on drawing unnecessary attention to himself, since he stood out enough already. Truth be told, Ace also didn’t want any blowback to land on the nice professor who sucked him off a few weeks ago.

A smile came to his face as he remembered how nice that had been. She seemed like a seriously sweet woman, in addition to being drop-dead gorgeous and apparently smart as hell. She was meant for better things than an ex-con still trying to pull himself out of his life of crime, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t return the favor a time or two while she looked for Mr. Right.

Something tightened in his chest when he thought about her sucking another man off. He seriously needed his head checked to be feeling some kind of way about that.

Barreling down the hallway, he glanced down at his watch, almost causing him to collide with none other than the lovely professor herself.

“You!” she gasped.

Raising one eyebrow, he asked politely, “Who?”

Glancing down at his waist, he saw the exact second she realized that she knew the name of his cock but not his actual name. “Well, I’m…it’s nice to see you again.”

Holding the door open, he tried not to smile. “Ladies first.” Waiting a couple of seconds, he added quietly, “Except when they’re feeling generous, that is.”

Biting her bottom lip, she avoided his eyes. Unless he missed his guess, Ace could swear she was thinking of her insistence on giving him pleasure first. The redheaded professor was all kinds of cute when her cheeks turned pink.

Ducking under his arm, she rushed into the classroom. It was filled with around a dozen people, mostly younger students. Ace grabbed a seat in the back where he could stretch his feet out a bit.

Professor Reynolds seemed a bit rattled. More so than he would have thought for simply bumping into him again. His Spidey senses were going off, big time. Something was definitely off with her.

Glancing around, he tried to get a read on the other students. Most were scrolling through their phones, one was reading from an electronic tablet, two guys were playing some sort of video game on handheld devices, and the rest were at various states of attention.

A young feminine voice spoke as a body dropped into the seat beside him. “Hey, why are you back here?”

“Go away.”

“Screw you, dude. I’ll sit where I like.”

Reaching over with one foot, Ace scooted her desk several inches away. “I like my space.”

Stuffing a pen behind her ear, the young blonde eyed him suspiciously. “You’re a real weirdo, like, serial killer weird.”

“There are empty chairs all over this room, and yet you chose to sit beside the one person you think might be a serial killer.”

Shrugging, she began unpacking her book and writing tablet. “So what.”

“Choosing to sit beside and talk to someone you believe to be a deviant makes you ten kinds of stupid, that’s what.”

A grin jumped onto her young face, making him feel older than he already did. Without an ounce of guile, she quipped, “I was thinking it might be a wardrobe malfunction of some sort.”

Ace looked down at his clothing. His worn jeans had a couple of holes and his button-up shirt was stained with motorcycle grease in a couple of places. “My clothes are clean and that should be enough.”