Page 23 of Ace of Hearts

They headed to the center of town and looked for the courthouse. It wasn’t difficult to find, since it was one of the few prominent buildings that didn’t look like a commercial enterprise.

Ace followed Ryder to the main desk. After no small amount of back and forth, they discovered that Parker had been arraigned and bail had been set at ten grand. It seemed like an absurd amount to Ace, but Ryder was willing to pay it, so they were sent to the superior court office to pay the bail.

Ryder frowned. “Do you think I should get a bail bondsman?”

“Don’t waste your time. Bail bondsmen don’t usually accept homeless clients. They’re a flight risk, and it’s nearly impossible to find them if they skip town.”

“Freaking great. Let’s go see if I can sweet talk them down.”

“Bail is what it is,” Ace said with a shrug. “The only person who can change it is the judge.”

Ryder scowled. “Fucking hell, you’re just full of good news.”

Ryder swiped his credit card at the superior court’s office and was given verification that the bail was paid. After that, they hightailed it over to the small jail to pick up their guy. The poor man staggered out the front door, totally clueless as to who had bailed him out.

Ryder approached him cautiously. “Hello, Mr. Parker. Do you remember me?”

“You’re looking a mite better than the last time I saw you.”

“They pulled all the shrapnel out, and I healed up real quick.”

“Is that why you bailed me out? ‘Cause I helped you that day?”

“Yes, sir, it is.”

“I can’t believe you got a bail bondsman to take my case. I called every one within fifty miles, and they wouldn’t take my case because I don’t have an address.”

“I forked over the ten grand,” Ryder told him. “Speaking of forks, I could use a hot meal. What do you say about us grabbing a bite to eat? I’d like to talk with you about some things.”

As they walked back over to Ryder’s bike, Ace spoke up. “He can ride with me, if he wants. I know how you are about having people on the back of your bike.”

The man came to a staggering stop. “I know you…”

Ryder placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. “We made peace. You don’t have anything to fear from either of us.”

The guy stared at him for a minute before nodding. “There’s a real nice diner just down the street. We can walk there in just a few minutes.”

Ace got off his bike and followed the chatting pair. Truth be told, he was amazed at how easily Ryder managed awkward social situations. This whole thing was going along a lot smoother than he’d anticipated. Maybe it was because his friend had a more normal family life growing up.

Siding into a booth at the diner, it took Ace a minute to realize everyone was staring at them. A waitress in a polyester dress walked over to their table, frowning. “Earnest Parker, you know you’re not supposed to be in here.”

Their companion replied, “Now, I’m not trying to cause any trouble, Sharon. My friends just want a bite to eat.”

Ryder slowly came to his feet, towering over the middle-aged woman. “I suggest you drop the attitude and take our order. I’m a busy man, and I’ve got exactly no time for stupid servers today.”

“Well, I never…”

“Don’t care to hear it, doll. You act civil, and I’ll be the best customer you ever had. Keep acting the fool, and I’m gonna get cranky super-fucking-fast.”

Swallowing hard, the woman’s confidence began to wane. “Fine. What do you…gentlemenwant to drink.”

Without taking his eyes off the spiteful woman, Ryder replied tersely, “Three coffees, and leave the pot.”

The woman’s attitude slowly dissolved under Ryder’s no-nonsense stare. She quickly placed three menus on the table and mumbled quietly, “Yes, sir. I’ll have that right out for you.”

Dropping into the seat, Ryder’s wary expression communicated that he was clearly none too pleased with the situation. “What the fuck do you call that?”

“Folks around here don’t care for vagrants. I always get kicked out of restaurants and stores, even when I have money to pay.”