Page 3 of Ace of Hearts

“I loved your cooking.”

“You should. Everything I make is gourmet. Maybe you can teach your girlfriend to cook all your favorite things, because I’m never making another bite for you to eat in this lifetime.”

“This is a long conversation to have while standing on your tiny front porch. Let me come in and you can copy down recipes for her while I drink a cup of java.”

“I’ve got a better idea. How about you get your ridiculously tiny clown foot out of my doorway before I kick you in the shin?”

“No coffee then?”

“Nope. No sharing recipes or making nice with the homewrecker you cheated on me with either, you gigantic dick.”

“You never talked to me with such disrespect when we were married.”

Kicking him in shin just hard enough for him to jerk back, she caught his eye. “I’ve turned over a new leaf. Get the hell out of my life or I’ll take out a restraining order.”

“You wouldn’t dare.”

“Try me, big boy. I’ll bet that would tarnish the public image you work so hard to cultivate.” Slamming the door in his face, Barbara turned around and leaned her back against the door. Taking a deep breath, she waited for the inevitable outburst. David always managed to get in the last word, no matter the situation.

Sure enough, his surly voice sounded off within seconds. “I’ve heard all about your bar-hopping and whoring around, don’t think I haven’t.”

Now that pissed her the hell off. Turning, she placed both palms against the door. “At least I waited until I was divorced to date. Don’t ever forget that this breakup is on you, David. You’re the one who could never keep your pants zipped.”

“Fuck you, Barb. You know I never loved any of them like I love you.”

Leaning her forehead against the door, she spoke softly. “I stopped loving you after the third or fourth affair. I’m sorry that I wasted two more years of my life after that. I should have left long ago.”

“I’m sorry, honey. I can do better.”

“Don’thoneyme, David. If you could have done better, you would have, so no more chances. We’ve cycled down to having the same tired conversation, only through a closed door. Can’t you see how this is a metaphor for our entire marriage?”

“I still love you.”

Squeezing her eyes shut, Barbara refused to fall for his sob story all over again. “Kill the feelings off.”

“I don’t know how.”

“Let me help you with that.” Gathering her courage, she swallowed hard before speaking words fit to sever the tie between them. “Two weeks ago, I had sex with a man who totally rocked my world. He was hot, sexy, and really got off on giving me one orgasm after another. He was everything you weren’t in the sack. I think of him when I’m in the shower… and you know what I do when I shower.”

His hand slammed into the door, jarring her forehead. “You fucking bitch. I can’t believe you did that, much less that you told me about it.”

“Don’t get all high and mighty on me now, David. It’s the same thing you’ve been doing to me, only you did it while we were married.”

“I see how wrong that was now. We can work this out once and for all, if you just give me a chance.”

“No. I’m finished trying, and we’re officially divorced.”

“Divorced people get back together all the time.”

“Don’t you see? If I had been enough for you, you’d have been faithful all along. I’m not, so you weren’t.”

That must have done it, because her last comment was met with stony silence. She placed her ear to the door and heard his footsteps slowly receding.

Just when she thought it was all over, all hell broke loose.

Her hands flew to her ears, as she heard him rampaging around on the front porch. Flower pots—and she guessed everything else—was getting thrown against the front of her house. David could be terrifying, but he had never even come close to this type of behavior. Today she’d pushed him past his limit. Somehow, she knew if the door hadn’t been separating them, he’d have poured all that fury out on her.

When the tornado died down, she heard sirens whirring in the distance. Sliding down onto her butt, the flat sure surface of the floor provided a small measure of security. When another bang on the door shattered the silence, she snapped, “Get the hell away from me, David! Can’t you see that you’re terrorizing me?”