Page 46 of Ace of Hearts

He couldn’t get to her fast enough.

~ Ace ~

Opening his eyes to the sunlight creeping in through the blind, Ace could feel the beautiful redhead snuggled up to his side as if she belonged there. Last night had made up for every missed episode of sex in his entire life.

Barbara was perfect in every way. Her delicate body had been soft and compliant under his sensual assault. Images ran through his mind of her opening her pretty legs. Grasping one of those delicate ankles, he’d slid her down to the edge of bed and kneeled to worship at the altar of a true goddess. Tasting her had been a stark reminder of all that a woman could be. Having her going wild beneath him more than once had spoken to him as a man.

In sharp contrast to the women in his life who’d been put off by his ugly scars, the pretty redhead was fascinated by everything to do with his body. Her hands traced over his scars, tattoos, and muscles, making him feel a little worshiped himself. He was used to women backing the fuck up when he stepped forward. This one always came running full speed ahead. Her behavior in the bar had tipped his world back into alignment, making him feel more like himself than he ever had a day in his life.

They’d fallen asleep twice and woken up for more. One thing was certain in his mind: the sexy woman hadn’t had her needs taken care of in a nice long time, if ever. She eagerly rode his cock every single time he offered it and was amazingly responsive to his touch.

Strange, he’d spent his life thinking women were hard to please. He’d always had to work pretty damn hard to make sure they came properly. Barbara was a sweaty, compliant mess within minutes and had one wild orgasm right after another at his rough hands. She orgasmed so easily, he might have thought she was faking it. Only he knew she wasn’t that deceitful, and the woman was an open book when it came to emotions. She didn’t have an ounce of guile in her sweet little body.

Well, he would have to give her a day or two to recover after last night. Unless he missed his guess, she would definitely be feeling him today. He must be a true and proper bastard, because that thought put a gigantic smile on his face.

She moved against him. Burrowing closer, she murmured sleepily, “I’m canceling the morning, so we can stay right here.” Rubbing her pretty nose in his armpit, she flung one leg over his. “You smell nice.”

Fucking hell, this woman was going to be the death of him. Moving his arm pit out of her face, he informed her quietly, “Sorry, my sweet, but the guys tore outta here at dawn to hunt down intel on our situation. They left me in charge of the club.”

“That’s real nice of them, but us having to get up just proves good things don’t last forever.”

Moving a strand of her hair back, he looked down into her drowsy face. “I would have thought that you got your fill of me last night.”

Her eyes popped open and she bit her bottom lip. “You are pretty…umm…filling.”

He smirked. “Am I?”

Nodding, she told him all about it. “Yes. I’ve fallen hard and fast for Little Ace.”

“Well, that was quick.”

“What’s not to like about the sexy bastard,” she said. “He’s big and tough and handsome. When he goes into battle, he doesn’t give up until the job’s done. He might get the wind knocked out of him a time of two, but always gets right back up, dusts himself off, and goes right back to work.”

“He’s really confused. The poor guy thinks he’s working for heart-shaped stickers.”

Running one finger around the shell of his ear, she murmured playfully, “That can be arranged.”

“You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

“Well, if my lady parts weren’t down for the count, it’d happen all over again. This is prime example of the mind being willing but the flesh being weak.”

Twirling a lock of her gorgeous red hair around one finger, he gazed down at her adoring face. “For men, it’s usually the other way around. No matter how good our intentions are, our cock ends up gettin’ us into trouble.”

“You mean like pounding a woman eight ways to Sunday without a condom?”

Ace felt his mouth drop open. “I’m real sorry about that. I wasn’t thinkin’ straight.”

“Then at least you have an excuse. I remembered and sealed my lips right up.”

Blinking down at her, he tried to make sense of her words. “If you are looking to get knocked up, I can be all kinds of accommodatin’ about it.”

“You are just about the most clueless man I’ve ever met. Don’t you remember me calling dibs on you last night? You’re mine, and a Little Ace would just… I mean an Ace Junior would be icing on an otherwise beefy cake.”

Stunned that she’d just come out and say something like that to him, he mumbled, “Sorry I named my junk Little Ace and you don’t think it’s appropriate to call our son that. We could do some renaming if you want.”

“You’re skimming right over the getting claimed by me part.”

“I just plan to enjoy the hell outta that for however long you choose to stay.”