Page 64 of Ace of Hearts

“You broke bad, that’s what happened. It was fantastic. I’m going to call it the monster mash, because you were pounding me so hard.”

Rolling over onto his side, Ace shook his head. “That, my dear, was baby makin’ sex.”

“It was the monster mash, and we’re not saving it for Halloween.”

“I probably could have lasted longer, if you weren’t so handsy.”

“Heck, if you had lasted any longer, I might have internally combusted.”

Wrinkling his nose, Ace asked, “You really liked that?”

“You already asked that while we were doing it. I told you I loved it.”

“We were fucking, not doing it.”

Nodding, she looked just awestruck enough to thrill the hell out of him. “It felt more like fucking than anything I’ve ever done.”

“I don’t wanna wear your lady parts out, but I could probably go again.”

“I already called myself out of work tomorrow, so there’s no rush. We can literally stay in bed all day.”

Scooting closer, he murmured “There’s no place in the world I’d rather be.”

~ Barbara ~

Barbara woke to the sound of her cell ringing. Climbing over her sexy biker, she snatched it from the bedside table. Moving communicated two things really quick: she was tired from fucking the aforementioned sexy biker on and off all night, and there was a delicious ache between her legs every time she moved.

Slipping back to her own spot, she answered the call. Ace was laying turned toward her with one cheek on the mattress. His arm was above his head and he was staring at her in the gap between the mattress and his arm. His dark eyes shown with happiness.

Finally plugging into the conversation taking place on her phone, she heard Jennifer’s voice. “…shot him and ran away. We never saw the damned dude before. This is all fucked up, Professor Reynolds. We need protection.”

Bolting up, Barbara shouted into the phone, “Wait, back up, Jennifer. Who got shot?”

“Jesus, that’s what I’m trying to tell you. Ethan got shot by someone on a motorcycle. The ambulance took him away, but I don’t think he’s gonna make it.”

“Where are you now?”

“We’re hiding out in the student union. We’re afraid to go anywhere. Peb’s on his way to get me. Jack’s coming to get Dylan.”

“Sit tight. I’ll be right there. Don’t go anywhere.” As soon as she hung up, she looked to Ace. “Ethan got shot—”

“I know. I could hear her screaming about it across the bed. We’ll shower and get the hell over to the college as soon as possible.”

Diving into the shower, this time there was zero funny business. Once they were washed and dressed, they were dashing out the door. The sun was just cresting over the tops of the houses when they pulled out of her driveway.

Barbara’s stomach was churning. “They were probably heading for their eight a.m. class.”

“Stop the car.”

Her head whipped around. “What?”

“Stop the car, Barb. I don’t think David made it home last night.” Gesturing to an accident up ahead with police cars, an ambulance, and blinking lights galore, Barbara wondered how she’d missed it.

Pulling off to the side of the road, she gazed at what she now recognized was his car. The passenger door was open, and David was lying on the pavement nearby while emergency personnel worked on him. Blood was everywhere, and the front end of his car was smashed in by a thick oak tree he’d apparently hit. Shock tore through her body when one EMS worker gave the other the signal to stop.

A jarring knock pulled her out of the horror. It was a law enforcement officer. Quickly rolling down her window to see what he wanted, she didn’t have a chance to ask anything. “What’s your business here?”

“My n-name is B-Barbara Reynolds,” she stammered. “That’s my ex-husband, David Reynolds.”