Page 7 of Ace of Hearts

The prankster grinned at her. “We are. He just doesn’t like people to know.”

Giving him a shove, he complained bitterly, “If I were gay, I wouldn’t be dating you. Jesus, you’ve got one ugly mug. It’s enough to give a man nightmares.”

Pretending to be wounded, his sidekick deadpanned, “How can you shame me in front of new people?”

Mister Too Hot To Be Real immediately recited his line from the iconic series. “If I could make you a little prettier, I would.”

“You are not the man I met a year ago.”

Barbara couldn’t help but laugh. The two bikers were like a comedy act that never got old. She thought for sure they had Jane hats tucked neatly away at their clubhouse.

“Hey, I know that show. Want to know the kicker? I’m Mrs. Reynolds, or Dr. Reynolds, as the case may be. Isn’t that hilarious?”

Sounding disappointed, Mister Handsome mumbled, “You’re married. It figures.”

“Well, I’m actually divorced. It’s still funny, though, right?”

Mister Doom and Gloom barked at them impatiently from the doorway. “Yeah, it’s a fucking riot. Do you think you can patch up my brother, or do you just plan on standing around making jokes about obscure television shows all damned day?”

Swiveling her head around to look at the man who seemed angry for no reason, her voice was tight and clipped. “I don’t think I like your attitude.”

His response was quick and ugly. “Don’t give a fuck, doc. Do your job.”

Refusing to be bullied by yet another arrogant male, Barbara shot him a withering look. When she spoke, her voice was dismissive, even to her own ears. “You can have a seat in the waiting room, and take his gay friend with you. I don’t need any distractions when I…” Shooting a quick glance at the hot guy, she faltered. “When I work. Yes, that’s what I do. I work.”

“Fine, whatever. Just get the job done.”

Barbara had already forgotten the annoying pair, in favor of the injured man staring curiously up at her. His soft brown eyes were warm and admiring. She liked that a little too much. There was something about the way he gazed at her that made her stomach do fun little flips. Being an educated woman, she knew it was lust or something along those lines drawing them together. The thing was, she was lost in the moment and couldn’t manage to care.

Stepping over to the exam table, she felt her heart hammering in her chest. This huge, muscle-bound man was clad in well-worn jeans and a biker’s cut. What kind of man could sit there with his leg torn open and look at her as if he wanted to lick every square inch of her body? Clearly, he was someone with a high pain tolerance and high libido.

Barbara’s tongue slipped out to slide along her bottom lip. The way his eyes dropped to her mouth and his breath hitched as he watched her made her feel things she shouldn’t.

Without thinking, she asked playfully, “Want to play doctor?”

His eyes jumped up to hers. “It beats the hell out of every other option I can think of, beautiful.”

Flushing with pleasure at his compliment, she took a step closer. “Well then, tell me what brings you in today.”

“If I’d known you were here, I’d have gotten myself shot up a lot sooner, doc.”

Shock tore through her. “Jesus, you really got shot?”

“Don’t freak out. It ain’t the first bullet I ever caught. I’m glad to say this time it was an honest to goodness accident.”

Glancing down at his leg, she could see the bandage was stained with his precious blood. Her mind immediately formed an image of a bullet ripping through his tender flesh. Empathy welled up so fast and strong for this wounded man that it brought tears to her eyes. Taking a big gulp of air, her chest ached for him.

“Are you okay, doc?”

Fighting back the tears, she nodded. “I’m not good at handling pain, and that must have been pure agony.”

Tilting his head slightly, the handsome man responded, “It burned a little in the beginning, but the real pain hasn’t set in quite yet. I have it on good authority that it’ll kick in anytime now. When you first get injured, the adrenaline and endorphins keep you from feeling it.”

Not having a clue what the man was talking about, Barbara shrugged. “I heard something about that.”

Grinning, he responded playfully, “I’m betting that you had really good study partners in college.”

“As a matter of fact…”