Page 74 of Ace of Hearts

Sitting at their attorney’s office, Ace refused to allow Barbara to sit anywhere but at his side with his arm wrapped around her. Strangely enough, Cork didn’t even glance in her direction. It was for the best. Despite their little cockroach bonding moment behind bars, Ace still wanted to take his head off.

Darkness sat with his hands steepled together. “Tell us one more time why it was necessary to shoot that poor college kid.”

“The detective thinks Reynolds Sr. had some plan to pin the bodies on your club. They thought that a man trying to eliminate witnesses might somehow further that end.”

“Since the shooter was on a motorcycle and dressed in jeans and leather, it might have gotten the cops focused on us,” Darkness considered.

“They pulled the phone records, and we know he talked to his son the better part of the night,” the attorney informed them. “They think it was an effort to keep him sober and maybe talk him into going home. According to the GPS, Reynolds Jr. sat outside your home all night.”

“So the farmer called his attorney and the attorney called Reynolds Sr., who conspired with Reynolds Jr. They get the ex out to the site, thinking she’ll call Jr. and get him to sort it all out. Only Ace is already on the scene and involved with the woman, so she turns to him instead,” Darkness said, working it all out. “They want to separate them, so they send someone to pretend to be a club member and shoot one of them.”

“That’s the part that doesn’t fit. Why try to kill an innocent college kid?” Ace questioned.

Darkness explained, “Most people underestimate how difficult it is to control a motorcycle in motion while shooting a gun. He probably meant to make it look good without intent to kill. Dragging us into danger might have forced us to make some tough decisions, like whether or not to stay involved. Even if they couldn’t pin it on Ace directly, it might have gotten us to pull back, giving Jr. his in.”

“The farmer came clean, the lawyer lawyered up, and Reynolds Sr. was just picked up in Reno this morning on a DUI,” the attorney added.

“Apples and trees,” Ace murmured.

“The body cam you were wearing really helped the cops put it all together. Even though there were no visuals, the voice recording of Sr. admitting to his plan was admissible because in this state, only one person needs to be aware that the conversation is being recorded.

“My brother made those from old computer parts,” Cork said proudly.

The attorney grinned. “He’s a talented man.”

Smiling slightly, Cork agreed. “Yeah, he’s growing up strong and smart.”

Darkness asked the question weighing on everyone’s mind. “Did they figure out who the actual killer was?”

“They picked up a local man and are looking at several members of his immediate family. The crime lab really came through on that one.”

“Moving bodies is sweaty business. It’s hard not to leave behind hair, fingerprints, or sweat,” Darkness surmised.

“Not that any of us know anything about that.” Ryder’s friendly reminder made Darkness smile.

Their attorney ignored the comment entirely. “So, the DA has dropped the charges, and it looks like the situation is wrapping itself up with a nice bow. I’m recommending a civil action suit against the very wealthy Reynolds Sr. and the farmer, Mr. Farrington.”

“I’ve never been one to turn down free money,” Darkness said brightly.

“Sorry it took three days to get you all released,” the attorney apologized. “The DA was being a real ass because the shoot-out was within city limits.”

Glancing quickly at Cork, Ace huffed out an exasperated breath. “It was a tough three days, but we got through it.”

After the necessary paperwork was signed and everything was sorted, they said their goodbyes and headed out to the street. All their bikes were lined up in a row, and Ace murmured, “Have you ever seen a more beautiful sight?”

Ryder headed for his bike and gave the woman sitting on the back waiting for him a kiss. Tiffany smiled up at her man, clearly happy to have him back in her arms.

Cork slowly walked out and faced off with his brother. “You did real good, Peb. The gadgets you made saved the day.”

The younger man nodded. “I hoped they would. You coming back to the clubhouse?”

“Three days, Peb. I was locked in that little room for three whole days. They didn’t let us out even once.”

Peb gave an understanding nod. “Take some time and ride. I’ll be here when you get back.”

Jerking his chin in the direction of Peb’s bike, Cork asked, “Is she yours?”

“Yeah, for now at least. Her name is Jennifer Jackson. You’ll like her, I promise.”