Jacob sat back, staring at her. “I’ll take you to the casino to meet my father, and you can see where we do business.” She didn’t need to know that he had every intention of showing her everything. He wasn’t going to hide who he was, and he saw that with Lou, he’d have to be open and honest.

“You’d do that? Doesn’t that break some kind of Denton rule?”

He shook his head. “Take

your hair down.”

“If I don’t?”

“You don’t get to see it.”

“Ugh! See? You had no intention of showing me shit.”

When she made to move, he pressed his leg against her seat and grabbed her arm, applying a little pressure. He didn’t try to hurt her, just enough to make her stop.

“I’m going to show you a great deal. You’re not part of the family. I’m offering you a deal to go out with me.”

“You’re not making any sense at all.”

“Good. Take your hair down, and you’re going to have to learn to trust me.”

“You’re doing this on purpose?”

“What? Tempting you? Making you want something you didn’t think you wanted to know?” he asked.

“Yes to everything, and you’re doing it on purpose.”

Leaning forward, he captured her chin, running his thumb across her bottom lip. He was a little surprised that she didn’t try to bite him. “Let’s just say I know what I need to do to make sure you belong to me.”

“This is not going to get you in my pants.”

“You will, when the time is right.” His cock was rock hard, and he was finding it hard not to just grab her, bend her over the nearest counter, and fuck her. But he wasn’t into rape, and Lou wasn’t going to give in easily.

“You arrogant ass.”

“I know, and you’re going to love it about me.” He gave her a wink. “Do we have a deal?”

She sighed, and pulled her hair out, letting it fall down.

Letting her go, he sat back. “Run your fingers through your hair,” he said.

Lou ran fingers through her hair doing as he instructed. “There? Are you satisfied?”

“Yes, I am.” Handing her the menu, he urged her to order. “Pick whatever you want.”

“Do you own this place as well?”

“The Dentons own everything.”

She shook her head. “You know the rumors about you are not good.”

“What kind of rumors?” he asked, intrigued. There were a lot of rumors about him and his family.

“That you’re not known for showing mercy.”

“Yet you don’t know if I’ve killed anyone.”

She shrugged. “I try not to listen to rumors, but seeing as we’re here, I figured it’s a good point of talking about something.”