Lou released a little squeal as she watched him grab out a gun, which looked like a Glock.

“What the hell?”

“Tonight is going to be dangerous. Do you know how to work a gun?”

Since she’d left her parents’ house, Riley made sure she could take care of herself. “Yes.”

“Good. Take it with you tonight. I don’t care where you have to store it, but I want you to keep it on your person.”

“Can’t you store it?”

“If shit goes down, you need to be able to get it.”

“Fuck!” Her heart raced. Fear gripped her.

“You wanted this, remember? If you just want to have dinner, I can make that happen.”

“No. I’m good.”

“You’re crazy. Most women just want an expensive dinner, some jewels, and a good long fuck.”

“I take it you give them what they want?”

“Most of the time.”

“Where are we going?” she asked, taking the gun from his hand, and holding it in her own. She checked to make sure it was safe to put away before placing it back in the glove compartment. There was no way she was traveling with that thing at her back.

“First stop is the casino. I get the rundown of what I’ve got to do, and then we’ll go and check it out.”

“Sure, okay, I can handle that.” She rubbed her sweaty palms down her thighs.

You can do this, Lou.

“You’re a unique woman.”

“I don’t think you mean that as a compliment.”

“I do. You’re memorable.”

“I like how you’re not trying to pretend to be someone you’re not.”

He chuckled. “I’m not going to pretend that I’ve not fucked other women. You’ve been with other men. What matters now is what we do with each other.”

She noticed her gripped the steering wheel tightly. “What do you mean?”

“This is a date. I’m not going to be seeing other women. I’m not going to be fucking anyone else but you.”

“I’ve not said I’d fuck you.”

“You will. It’s inevitable.”

“Are you really that good?”

“I’m the best.”

“Wow, you really have an ego, don’t you?”

“It’s one I’ve earned, baby.”