
“It’s polite to invite the parents along with the failed opponent. I happen to like Riley, and if he ever wanted a job I’d gladly give him one. You’d work well with him, Jacob.” Maddox stole a piece of chicken, and Charlotte slapped him on the hand.

“I don’t like them here, and they shouldn’t be around Tamsin.”

“Tamsin is in bed, and we wouldn’t let anything hurt our daughter.” Charlotte glared at him.

Holding up his hands in surrender, Jacob looked back out into the chaos. He hated these parties that invited everyone who was big in their illegal field. Jacob recognized several pimps, drug lords, and he noticed lots of guns. His father had never had one of these parties go bad, but they always put him on edge.

The Denton name was a feared one, but that didn’t stop them from their fair share of enemies.

“What is it?” Maddox asked.

“We need to talk about the strip clubs.”

“What about them?”

Glancing at his mother, Jacob waited for her to leave.

“I’m not going anywhere, Jacob. I’m very much aware of everything your father does. I may not agree with everything he does. I won’t hide from it, and I will never be a wife and mother who pretends her sons are good, law-abiding citizens.”

“We are good, law-abiding citizens.”

Charlotte pointed a knife at him. “You’re going to look your mom in the eye, and lie? I seem to recall your broken knuckles two weeks ago, and then let’s not forget the fight at one of your gentlemen’s clubs. I’m not a fool, Jacob Denton. Do not even think to treat me like one.”

“Son, don’t even think to cause a problem. I never kept anything from her, and when you find the right woman for you, you’ll be the same.”

Rolling his eyes, Jacob stormed out of the kitchen into the back garden. He needed some fresh air. Listening to the door open and then close, he groaned.

“What now? Did I upset Mom?” he asked, finding his father stood beside him.

“It’s a nice night, and considering you’re the oldest, you don’t know your mother all that well, do you?”

Jacob shrugged. “I guess not.”

“Charlotte has always been a special kind of woman to me. She’s the only woman I will ever love.”

“I notice you don’t say she’s the only woman you’ve ever fucked!”

Maddox slapped him around the back of the head.


“Respect your mother. No, she’s not the only woman I’ve ever fucked. Before I met her, I screwed around. I was young, and I was an asshole. I didn’t believe what my father told me about finding the right woman, just like you. Then I found Charlotte, and she taught me what it really meant to be a man.”

Rubbing the back of his head, he glared at his father. Jacob had never been afraid of his father, and he wasn’t even afraid now.

“What do you want me to say?” Jacob asked.

“I don’t want you to say anything at all. Tell me what is on your mind?”

Jacob sighed. “Nothing. Nothing is on my mind.”

“I can’t help until you start talking real shit.”

Rubbing the back of his head, Jacob stretched up working out his over stressed muscles. He hadn’t realized how tense he’d been until that moment. Fuck, he loved his little brother, and he’d never wanted Landon to go through that kind of shit.

“Tamsin doesn’t have to fight, does she?” Jacob asked. Even at thirty-five the Denton name still surprised him.