“And what? I’m special?”

“You don’t even have a clue how special you are to me.” He captured her chin, holding her in place. “It’s okay. I can wait until you see what’s going to happen between us. We’re going to fuck, and it’s going to be so good you’re going to think of nothing but my cock inside you, and I’m going to give it to you every single way I can. Until then, don’t be jealous. You’re the only woman who has made it to my parents’ place. Yes, you are special.” Once again he kissed her lips, and she didn’t want his kiss to end. He broke away, grabbing the brownies. “Let’s go.”

Chapter Eight

Abel had brought a date with him, and they were all grilling him. Jacob was surprised as they never took women, or their easy fucks, to their parents’ house for dinner. Lou was with his mother as he’d introduced the two when he first entered. The brownies had been taken straight to the kitchen to keep them out of his hands.

“Is she the one?” Gideon asked.

“Nah, there’s no way she’s the one. She looked like a schoolteacher,” Landon said.

“What the fuck is the problem? I brought a woman. Why does there have to be anything?” Abel asked.

“You do know that our parents believe we’ll only bring ‘the one’ back home?” Jacob asked.

“Like you? How is your dating going with Lou?”

“It’s not,” Riley said, butting into the conversation.

“We didn’t ask you,” Jacob said, glaring at his partner, and future brother-in-law.

“You didn’t, your brothers did. So how does this work? Do you just see a woman, and that’s it? You’re in love, and you can’t have any other woman?” Riley asked, looking at all of the brothers.

Jacob glanced at his five other brothers. His sister was nowhere to be seen. She was probably hiding out in her bedroom. She wanted to join the parties, yet she was the shiest one of the bunch.

“I don’t know. You’d have to ask the guy who’s been caught.” Damian spoke up, turning to look at him.

All of his brothers’ eyes looked at him.

“You’re in love with my sister?”

Jacob sighed. “I don’t know how to describe it. It was like I turned, and she was there, and everything just seemed to stop. All I could focus on was her. All I wanted was her.” He remembered the moment he saw her, the way his world just seemed to open up.

“Yeah, but Lou’s not exactly giving you the easiest time of it, is she?”

“It’s not a two way thing?” Abel asked.

“No. I spoke to Mom because I assumed it was, but it wasn’t. I feel everything, and yet she feels nothing.”

“It’s not all bad, boys,” Charlotte said.

They all turned to their mother. She held a tray of drinks, and he took a glass of water. With all of them driving, his mother wouldn’t allow them to drink alcohol.

“You didn’t love Dad straight away?” Landon asked.

She shook her head. “It took me time. I’m sorry, boys. You’ve been given a legacy of falling for one woman, and having the work that you do, but you’ve also got to make the woman fall for you.” She patted Jacob’s arm. “I have every faith that you’ll make it work. Louisa is a wonderful girl.”

“She’s not letting you call her Lou?” Riley asked.

“Oh, she is. I just like her full name. It’s nice, and beautiful.” Their mother left, and Jacob released another sigh. He’d never had to work hard to get a woman. Like the strip club that Lou worked at, all he had to do was point at the woman he wanted for the night, and she’d come to him on her knees if he wanted her to.

“How are you making her fall for you?” Landon asked.

“Why? You wanting to get some tips?”

Landon’s face went beet red.

“Oh, has Landon found himself a girl?” This came from Oliver.