“With us being twins, she wants to know if we feel each other’s pain, or something like that,” she said, explaining to her brother.

“You’re asking me if we’re weird?” Riley said, smirking.

Tamsin shook her head. “I didn’t mean any disrespect.”

“It’s not something I talk about all that much, sweetie. It’s not as simple as knowing she’s in pain, but I get a feeling. We shared space for nine months, you know. She’s my little sister.” Riley pulled her in for a hug.

“He fell out of a tree house once,” she said, recalling the moment even though she had been in her room studying at the time. “I didn’t know where he was, but he broke his leg, and I remember so strangely, touching my leg as I felt a twinge, maybe just an itch. What freaked me out was when we got to the hospital, it was where his leg had broken. Creepy.”

“We can’t feel each other’s slaps or anything like that. It’s more of a gut feeling that something is wrong, and in a serious case like her leg, there’s a pain,” Riley said.

“What about pleasure?” Jacob asked.

Lou turned to the man who had her all over the place. Heat filled her cheeks. “What?”

“Pleasure, can you feel it?”

“Jacob, please, that’s private,” Charlotte said.

“No, I can’t, thank God, that would just be fucking creepy.” Everyone laughed at Riley’s words.

The rest of the meal went by without a hitch, and even though they all said they couldn’t eat another thing, Lou watched her brownies disappear.

“Damn, those are so good.”

At the end of the night, Riley got a lift off of Abel, and holding some food for herself, she climbed into the car.

Lou couldn’t get the memory of them together out of her mind. He’d touched her, and all dinner she’d tried not to think of what it would be like to be with him. There hadn’t been a single guy she had enjoyed sex with, and yet she wanted it with Jacob.

“It was a nice dinner,” she said.

“Yes, it was. I’m glad you enjoyed it.”

“Your mother is one hell of a cook.”

“I’m sorry about Tamsin. She gets nervous at family gatherings like that. When I told her you were coming, and so was Riley, she started looking at everything to do with twins.”

Lou chuckled. “She’s a nice girl. A little firecracker. She’s going to have the boys running rings around each other. I hope you can all handle that.”

“She’s not my problem. I’m just the big brother.”

“She loves you though. I saw that.” It reminded her of the love she had for Riley. He was her true family. Part of her was envious of the way the Dentons were with each other. It was a loving family.

A fun loving crime family.

Forget about that.

“You and Riley, you’re really close?”

“Yeah. I’ve told you before. It’s just me and him for a long time.”

“Do your parents know about us?”

“No. I avoid talking to them.” If her parents knew Jacob was sniffing around her they wouldn’t leave her alone about having him as a potential husband. She hated her parents. They only did what was good for themselves.

“What are you doing next week?” Jacob asked.

“Erm, I’m working Monday through Friday. I’ve got the weekend off.” She tucked some hair behind her ear.