The slightest mewl bubbled in her throat and her hand lifted, her fingers burying into the back of his hair. Holding him close, not letting him leave her for even a breath.

His hand on the small of her back trailed upward along her side, his thumb curving under the swell of her breasts. She didn’t jerk away, only leaned into his touch. His fingers went up, rubbing across her nipple, dipping beneath the lace that lined the bodice of her dress. Down. Further. Deeper until he reached the dimpled skin of her nipple. He rolled the bud in his fingers and she gasped, her head slipping backward as a low hum vibrated in her throat.

Her neck bared to him, he descended, his lips hungry on her skin, trailing downward. He was at her nipple before the thought of control entered into his head. He set his lips to it, his tongue swirling over the nubbin, sparking it to strain deeper into his mouth as her hips pressed into him, swaying against his already throbbing cock.

He took the nubbin between his teeth and it sent a gasp of pleasure from her lips. His gaze lifted upward for one moment to look at her, to watch the pleasure flash across her exquisite features.

Heaven. Heaven in front of him.

His head dipped and he took another swipe of his tongue across her nipple. “Hell, Karta, you taste like summer.”

Words that broke the spell she was under.

She jerked away from him, her fingers rubbing her swollen lips. Her left hand tugged the bodice of her dress up over her nipple as her words came out breathless. “I don’t know if I can do this, Dom.”

“Why not?”

“You’re breaking me and I cannot be broken again.”

“I’m not going to break you, Karta.”

Her hands went up between them, pressing against his chest. “I’m not who I once was. I haven’t been that woman you knew for a long time. Those years with the viscount…they changed me.”

His look narrowed at her. “Don’t tell me you’re still loyal to the man.” A spike of jealousy sent his gut churning. “I don’t know anything of the viscount, but I know he couldn’t touch ye like I touch you.” He pushed forward into her hands on his chest and kissed her so hard there would be no room in her mind for anyone but him.

He broke contact, yet his lips stayed a hair away, brushing hers. “Kiss ye like I kiss you.”

Her head craned back, her eyes wide. “No, Dom—he was different—different than you. He didn’t touch me like you do.”

He blinked hard. And again. She was still talking about the bastard.

The cold clamp of jealousy slithered around his chest. “So ye thought of me when you were under him?”

She jerked back and slapped him, the sting barely registering through the fury that had gripped him at the thought of her under that decrepit old viscount.

“No.” She fumbled to the side, scrambling away from the table and him, her voice in a screeching whisper. “Leonard was frail and he was nothing like you, Dom. Nothing. “

Domnall stepped away from her, his head shaking as he tried to squelch the jealous rage in his chest. “I apologize. That was out of line.”

“It sure as hell was.” She yanked her bodice fully into place and backed away from him. “Make no mistake. The day I left my father’s home was the day I stopped thinking of you.”

His hands curled into fists at his sides and his voice went bitterly hard. “I don’t believe you, Karta.”

She stalked to the door, her fingers waving in the air, dismissing him. “Believe what you must. Whatever sets your head on a pillow and lets you sleep. It’s not my concern and it never should have been.”

{ Chapter 7 }

He was getting too close.

A day in the same house with the obstinate man and he was already too close to finding his way in, to finding out what she’d become.

She couldn’t have that.

It was clear he didn’t know what had happened to her or he never would have approached her—sat down with her.

Kissed her.

And he could never know. Not for the way his face would crumple when he learned the truth. Not for how he would look at her with disgust once he knew.