Page 101 of Twisted in Chains

“Skye didn’t want to come. I did,” Noah said.

She chanced a look behind him. The anger in Noah’s gaze startled her. They weren’t supposed to do this.

“Come on, Skye. Do I need to pop one in his leg? Will that make you move a little faster? I love the anticipation, but this is just plain boring.”

She had no choice but to pick up speed.

A bullet would hurt Noah, and not only that, it could render him helpless and there was no chance of either of them getting away.

“I do love that princess costume. Wish it was white,” Denison said.

“My brother got off on your first rape video, Skye. He wanted to see your virgin blood. We got a close up of that.”

Hearing him speak those words made her stomach twist.

She stopped walking and stared at the two of them. There was no getting out of this. What if no one suspected Denison was a bad guy? He was a cop. Killing a cop would place them as criminals.

He let off the gun, and Skye screamed and quickly looked behind her at Noah. He’d ducked for cover at the sound of the gunshot.

They both fucked up. Within a matter of seconds, that split focus, and Denison was on her.

He grabbed her around the neck, lifting her up. “Let’s go and play.”

His strength took her by surprise as he pulled her limp body out of the room with ease. She watched as the door in front of her closed, locking Mitch and Noah in together.

“No, no, no, no. Let me go.” She stopped being limp and started to fight him. She tried to do anything that would make him stop.

“You’re a feisty one.” He grabbed her ass, and she reached up, slapping his face.

He let her go, and as she tried to leave, he caught her arm and backhanded her. She went crashing into the floor. Her brain seemed to rattle inside her head from the impact. She’d never been so afraid in her life.

The pain radiated out from her cheek. She was so motionless. By the time she tried to run away, Denison had a handful of her hair and was pulling her along the dirty carpeted floor. The princess dress was getting soiled as he did so.

He tilted her head back as with his other hand, he squeezed her breast so hard it brought tears to her eyes.

“Let them hear you scream.”

With that, he bit her neck, his teeth seeming to sink into her flesh, and she screamed so loud.

“Skye!” Noah’s booming voice came through the door.

Even with the pain filling every pore of her body, she screamed back.


Denison released her neck, and she touched the skin but didn’t come away with any blood. He’d bitten her but not pierced the skin. She didn’t know if she was happy with that or enraged.

Kicking out at him, she tried to hit him, but the odd angle he had her at made it nearly impossible for her to do so.

He gripped the edge of her princess dress, tearing the fabric, exposing her breast. Noah had purchased a dress that had a built-in bra, so as the material came away, she had nothing to protect herself with.

She tried to cover herself, and then Denison was dragging her to the stairs. If he got her up them, she knew her nightmare would get so much worse.

Fighting him off was her only solution, but as he started to use her hair as some kind of handle, she had to get him to wait and let her walk up the stairs.

She somehow found her footing and followed him up, grabbing his wrists to try to stop him. Her nails sank into the flesh.

They got to the first landing, and he pressed her back against the banister. His hand wrapped around her neck. The banister didn’t feel all that sturdy, as if it could give to her weight.