Page 11 of Twisted in Chains

They pulled apart as the door to their cell was opened. The three men were back. Skye moved beside Noah as they put their food in front of them and left.

Not a word was spoken.

Noah’s was on his lap, and hers was on the floor.

“It looks like vomit,” she said, whispering.

“Just eat it. We need to keep up our strength.”

Noah picked up his spoon and started to eat the thick, vomit-like soup.

Skye struggled. She wondered what they’d put into it, but seeing as Noah was finishing it with gusto, she finished off her plate as well.

The men arrived thirty minutes later, took the empty plates, and left.

She watched them go. The door slammed closed, the lock clicking into place.

“I guess we’re not going to starve to death.”

“No, and I’ve got a plan.” Noah’s smiling face freaked her out a little.

“A plan?”

“They’re going to feed us, right? I’m going to get my strength back, and then, we’re out of here, Skye. You and me, together. Agree with me on this. We’re here together, we’ll get out together.”

She stared at his hand. His optimism was effective.

Shaking his hand, she hoped they were not being too prematurely happy about this.


Noah assumed the days passed. With no window in sight and only the one meal a day, it was hard to know what was happening, or at least, he assumed it was one meal a day. There seemed to be a pretty long gap between each portion of food.

They’d enjoyed six meals so far.

If that was one meal a day, then he was starting to feel like crap. He didn’t want to scare Skye though.

His plan of eating everything, and being able to fight his way out, was probably a bit too premature.

Instead of getting his strength, he could barely hold up the cuffs, he was so exhausted. The men came and went out of the room regularly. They were there like clockwork to help him use the bathroom. Skye was always forced onto the bed as he did this.

Each time, he truly believed he’d overpower them. Only, he could only about handle getting his dick out of his pants.

He pretended well for Skye, and she didn’t question him.

He kept a smile on his face, and not showing how he was freaking out seemed to be working so far.

One day at a time, if it was even a day.

“Do you find the passage of time confusing?” he asked.

“Yes. I don’t even know if it’s day or night.” She rolled over. Even though there was a bed across the small room, she always slept beside him or in his lap. Their body heat provided them warmth. “What do you think it is?”

“I don’t know. Day, I guess. I don’t know.”

“Is that because we’re awake?”
