Page 133 of Twisted in Chains

Noah paused and stared at her.

She wasn’t looking at him. “I know,” she said.

“You know?”

“My therapist. When I told her what happened and what I sometimes imagine being done and with my ex, she gave me some information. It’s not exactly known, but she didn’t want me to feel like a freak. She told me that our first time, or a traumatic event can shape and form our sexual desires. We don’t have any control over what we want,” she said. “I don’t want to be raped. I don’t want to be held down by a bunch of men and used, or beaten. I don’t want what we had.”

“I don’t want to hurt a woman.”

“I get what you want,” she said. “I do.”

She took his hand, and that one action meant so fucking much to him. When he turned to look at her, he saw she was still crying. She reached out to touch his cheek, and he discovered, so was he.

“You don’t have to cry,” she said.

Getting to his feet, he tried to walk away. He didn’t cry. The last time he allowed any tears had been with that bastard. He’d vowed to never cry again.

Skye wouldn’t let him go. She held onto his hand, and as he tried to get away, she followed him. He attempted to pull his hand away but she let him go only to throw her arms around his waist.

“Skye, stop. I want to get a drink.”

“You wanted me to talk about it, and now I’m not going to let you get away with this. You don’t have to be alone, Noah.”

He stopped fighting her, staring up at his ceiling. “I shouldn’t have brought you here.”

“Have you been with many partners?” she asked.

“Yes. During my marriage, no. I remained faithful to her. Afterward, I fucked my way through a lot of women. Most of them mean nothing to me. Models, actresses, socialites. Someone to make the pain go away.”

“Then why are you wasting any time on me? I’m not important, Noah. I never have been.”

He captured the back of her neck, holding her in place. “Don’t ever put yourself down like that. Not now. Not ever. You’re important to me.”

“And you’re important to me, Noah. You don’t have to hide who you are. I get it. I remember what we went through. The pain. The fear. There are times I wake up and I can still smell that mattress. I wonder how many men and women had died before us.”

“You know they did it on purpose,” he said. “They took people, brought them together and then worked to break them down. To make them hurt each other.”

“I know.”

“They did it to get paid.”

“We’re not them, Noah. We’ll never be them.” She touched his cheeks.

He didn’t let go of her neck. His gaze was on her plump lips.

“I would never hurt you,” he said.

“I know. I trust you.”

He stepped her back, forcing her up against the wall once again. She didn’t fight him. The hard buds of her nipples pressed against the dress. “You look sexy in this.”

“You have good taste.”

“You’re going to look even better out of it.” He grabbed the neckline and tore it from her body, going from her neck to her waist.

She let out a moan. The bra she wore was a distraction. The lace was so sweet, but it hid her nipples from his view and he wanted to see her.

He tore it away and threw it to the ground. He didn’t want it in his way.