Page 144 of Twisted in Chains

Whatever game he was playing, she wanted no part in this.

“Scarlett, to what do I owe the pleasure?”

He didn’t sound happy to see her.

The sound of heels had Skye close to flinching, but she kept it at bay. Taking a deep breath, she waited.

“What is the meaning of this?”

Something slammed above her.

“I’m seen with another woman.”

“Do you have any idea what this does to me?” Scarlett’s voice rose, and Skye tried not to wince.

“We’ve been divorced for quite some time. You think I’m going to stay faithful to a lying bitch like yourself?”

“Is this the new flavor of the month, or are you trying to replace me?”

She didn’t know what Scarlett looked like. She’d not seen any pictures of the woman.

Noah sat down and pulled himself beneath the desk. She probably should torture him by teasing his cock, but instead, she just wanted the ground to open up and swallow her whole.

Being stuck beneath the desk wasn’t her idea of fun. Just moments ago, they were having fun, and now this.

“Scarlett, what I do and who I do it with is none of your business,” Noah said. “You got some money.”

“Does your new whore know what you like? Does she know you’re a sick fuck with certain needs?”

He sighed. “I have never hurt you.”

“You’ve wanted to.”

“Scarlett, do I need to call my lawyer? I’ve been lenient with you.”

“Oh, please. I wonder what the press would think to a little kiss and tell about you.”

Skye didn’t know what she expected, but it certainly wasn’t for Noah to lean back and burst out laughing.

“Seriously, let’s do that. Go ahead, Scarlett, tell people how I asked to spice up our love life. Tell them how you called me all the names. Tell the papers. Expose me for the brute I am. When you do, expect those little home tapes you enjoyed making with every single guy that came your way to also make their way out of there.”

She gasped. “How dare you.”

“How dare you! You come into my office. Demand to know who I’m fucking, and you think you’ve got a leg to stand on. You don’t know shit about how far I will go. If you talk, if you say a fucking thing, any respect people had for you will disappear. You’ll be nothing in this world. Try me.”

There was a deadly edge to his voice. Skye had never heard him speak like that.

“I want more money,” Scarlett said. “To keep me silent.”

Noah laughed. “You’re not getting another cent out of me. You’ve had your money. You should learn to economize. You think you’ve got me by the balls. I’m the only one that holds my balls, and maybe this woman. Tell your stories. You better be ready to take me on.”

In the next second, the door slammed and she heard the lock click into place. Skye didn’t move. She could barely breathe.

Seconds later, Noah was there. He sat on the floor, and she stayed hidden in his desk. He leaned against his window, rolling up his sleeves.

He held out the paper Scarlett had clearly slapped down on the desk.

“Your ex doesn’t sound very nice.”