Page 149 of Twisted in Chains

“Where are you going?” she asked.

“We’re going to my bedroom.”

He slammed the door closed and carried her through to his main bedroom. Putting her on the bed, he climbed in behind her, nestling her ass against his crotch. He cupped her tit, and with the warmth of the room, finally seeping into his flesh, he felt … whole.

Kissing her neck, he couldn’t get close enough to her. He wanted to be completely wrapped in all things Skye.

“Did you take your wife into that room?” she asked.


“Did she know about the room?”

“She stole my key and let herself in.”

There was a brief silence.

“She didn’t get it, did she?”

“No. She thought I was a freak. Some monster serial killer about to go and find my next victim. When in fact, all I was doing was remembering you.”

She rolled over so now that she faced him. “Remembering me?”

“Every time I stood in that room, and I’m not saying I was there every single day or even every week.”

“Fifteen years is a long time.”

“That room hasn’t been with me that long. Whenever I did stand inside it, I thought about you. I thought about us. I thought about what we’d missed out on.”

“Noah, it’s never good to be thinking about another woman when you’ve got a wife.”

He sighed. “I know that.”

“I thought about you,” she said.

“You did?”

“Yeah. I mean, I never had the means of recreating that, but you were always there, even when I was married. It’s … surreal to think that we’re back here, together. After everything we’ve been through.”

He cupped her cheek. “I don’t regret us finding each other again.”

“I wasn’t looking for you, Noah.”

He smiled. “They always say you find the things you didn’t realize you were looking for.”

He kissed her lips, knowing deep down, he’d never stopped looking for her. The only thing was, he was always looking in the wrong places.